SlackJaw Mac - He won't be back

Started by HalflingPower, February 01, 2013, 10:43:45 AM

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SlackJaw Mac was a good man, he began as a chaotic neutral follower of Sharess whose only purpose was to test out the punisher perk and explode.

Due to me thinking I was going on the oldstones mercenary quest I became entrenched in entertaining 'shittery' and embarked upon a grand tale of self destruction and cheese flavored wine.

I have cut back many screenshots to take it down to 30, I hope none of them are spoilers but if they are - I don't care.

A big thank you to all of my illigitimate children, Milton, Keliah, Holly, Andrew, and a very late arrival Winston (whom will never know I adopted him since it happened in the fugue plane right before my end) oh and my nephew Ameriz better known as 'The Amnian'

Edit: I forgot Maniac Rob was my son in law.

Thank you Core, and the other DM's who I never actually talked to for doing ridiculous insane DM quests for team Aberdenn night after night; I hope I entertained you as much as you entertained me.

No particular order here folks, well some SEMBLANCE but I am chaotic deal with it.



His favorite son Milton is fighting an eternal blood war with his father. A dream come true.


The Old Hack


O what a rash and bloody deed!


Goodbye, Mac! You are going to a better place. Relatively speaking, that is. And probably only compared to Ymph. Yeah...

Looking forward to the next one! :)


Erwin the German


You do the family proud, son.


When family ties go down to the line, you do what you gotta do!
Lub chu dad.


I was hoping to join the bandwagon if he survived that! Ah well. He was fun to be around.