Bless Weapon Wands

Started by lovethesuit, January 22, 2013, 06:30:58 AM

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This is a spell that would be fantastic in wand form. Now that Shield wands are a thing that exist, can we take another look at some other spells, such as Bless Weapon, and make them craftable?

Mr Howardson


You can make Bless Weapon scrolls instead.


Those would be SUPER strong. Have to agree with Howland.


That was six years ago!



Bless weapon wand in this setting would be very nice to have, would give rogues a chance to be useful against undead too. I would however say that the wand should be restricted to Paladin Only (Or through use of UMD).

Sheer Gluttony

Seeing as like 70% of the servers main bad guys are undead this seems like a giant power up.  Bless weapon is one of the big advantages of a paladin which makes him uniquely powerful in his own way.  Giving this via wands to every average Joe rogue or ftr/rogue or bard seems to cheapen what is a nice weapon in the armoury of a class which has many drawbacks to counter it.


This seems like the sort of thing that it would be nice to have as a DM goodie, or as a single-use trinket, but not something you want in general circulation.


You can blame that original post by Howland on me.  I had a paladin wand crafter, way back in EFU


Repeating myself again here: make scrolls! I do remember a certain paladin of Jergal making tons of scrolls of it. It is a workable alternative, though the gold cost for the scrolls is admittedly a bit low maybe.

Mr Howardson

I made that certain paladin of Jergal, and it's -very- expensive. Worth it in the end, though.


There are plenty of other IG alternatives to casting the same spell. I've had no problems stockpiling those for the right moments, with any PC that's needed them.