Old Stones

Started by One_With_Nature, December 17, 2011, 10:19:47 PM

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The Pathfinder

Well maybe, but nothing's set in...Stones.



Things are hitting Off. If you've wanted to Play a shady PC, this is your opening!


Oldstones is getting really interesting these days, and while I encourage people to join in the fun and roll a concept, I'd ask you join in with the groups/agendas currently going on to enhance the experience.

If your interested join #efugross


And remember...

Batma- I mean, the Vigilante is always watching.

Quote[Insert Random Threatening Comment Here.]


Ahem.. But seriously. As for joining with current groups, anyone interested in joining my own crew of vigilantes, is welcome to. Just seek us out IG or send a letter (PM preferred). Also feel free to ask me any questions you may have over IRC on the concept. :)



Got a concept in the works that will hopefully bring some life back to  Old Stones, hopefully going to have it all worked out by the coming  weekend so If you think you might be interested in a villianous  organisation feel free to PM me on IRC under the guise of own, or I  shall be posting up some information in the next couple of days with the  hopes of entering the game world as a small pc faction.

A few things to expect:

- Vast ammounts of exploration/expeditions in search of Ymphian lore
-  Feuds with the various other factions and Mistlockes law enforcement  (Proteciton brackets, Extortion, Spying, Infiltration etc)
- Heavy conflict and competition with other player/DM factions (One in particular)
- Heavy doses of awesome


There's some fun things happening on the criminal end in the Old Stones. If that interests you then this is a good time to consider a concept.