Dryroots in the Eyrie

Started by Blue41, December 19, 2012, 04:45:56 PM

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Could it be possible to add dry roots for purchase from the merchant store at the Eyrie?

Mr Howardson

A few in the Aberdenn Quartermaster shop may be plausible as well!


Aberdenn clansmen can purchase dry roots in the market.  Gazers really need access to them, however.


Yes. Purchase them from Caermyn. That makes perfect RP sense when the ever watchful Eye of Gadyw burns from atop the Clanhall.


The stargazers can get the roots from the merchant in the scars cave.


The Stargazers should not be going to the Scars Cave, Adhesive.


I've seen them there several times, and it seems to have been a common meeting ground for Stargazers and the other nature types for as long as I've been on the server. *shrug*


And it shouldn't be happening too often - there are Feline pelts littering that place.


Could we get some on the Order quartermaster?