League of Legends Redux

Started by Broken Gunblade, December 03, 2012, 07:33:15 AM

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Broken Gunblade

So the initial 'NWN LoL Tournament' wasn't as good as it was envisioned, we only got through about three matches due to a lot of scheduling issues and frankly 0 communication between the teams. However, the games that were played had been amazingly fun and competitive affairs that we just couldn't resist coming up with something new - and improved.

What we've dubbed as the 'NWN Feed-4-All' is an open-style 'challenger' League that runs more or less parallel with the official Riot season and revolves solely around you as a Summoner. Basically, it is a 1v1 League with a team element that we feel makes it rather unique experience for all involved. It also has a prize! (In the form of a steam game of the indie ($10) variety.)

So how does it work?

When a Summoner enters the League their name will appear on the website within the League Table along with all the others, the names are their Summoner names within League of Legends and thus you are ready to gain points! Basically, all you need to do is add the player you wish to challenge, agree on a position to compete on, agree on what will constitute a win (First blood, First tower, Nexus ect.) and set up a custom game with three bans each. The three positions available are: AP Mids, Bruisers, and AD Carries. Make sure at least one person has a LoLreplay for proofs.

The point system is as follows -

Win: 4 Points
Loss: -2 Points
Bounty: For every consecutive win, a player gains a bounty worth 2 points. These points are cumulative and are given to the player that manages to defeat them.

So whats the team element, you may ask?

If a group of five players in the League want to take on another five, then they are temporarily banding together for mutual benefit. The usual tournament rules (Three bans each, tournament draft ect.) apply. However, seeing as teams are much harder to set up for, a team win will give each player 10 points and a loss will remove 5. As before, make sure at least one person has a LoLReplay. If people wish to eventually transition this into a team-based League, this system can easily adapt.

This is being proposed to the other NWN servers with a sizable LoL playerbase, so if you're interested, just pop your summoner name down.

(And yes, Dota2 is better)

The Frying Weegee

Broken Gunblade

^ It can easily turn into $10 worth of Riot points.