Gathering System for Clan Aberdenn

Started by Mr Howardson, November 25, 2012, 03:45:54 AM

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Mr Howardson

House Caermyn has caravans, merchants, pay, and all sorts of associated and wonderful benefits that come with being in the clan. A promotion system, a way to increase your pay, an even access to the other isles across the Archipelago.

House Aberdenn has hideouts, a banner stipend that can only be spent at the clan house, a few other nicities, and two application only ranks.

House Aberdenn also has a reputation as huntsmen, so I guess that the same system that is there for Wildlings, and the Market Townhall be added to House Aberdenn for members of the House Only. Without a level limit.

Just an idea!


Brow-beat the halflings Stokelpond to join the faction imo!
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips

Mr Howardson

Quote from: Random_White_Guy;313823Brow-beat the halflings Stokelpond to join the faction imo!

Gadyw don't want no midgets in aberdenn.


While I agree that the Caermyn are heavily favored in terms of scripted goodies, I do not think yet another gathering system is what we need here. Mistlocke already has one that they can use.

Some flavorful additions to aid the house would be good however!


If you can come up with other ideas than gathering, it may be nice to add something more for Aberdenn too. While a minor addition, clan Aberdenn members get a small increase in XP gained for defending the farmlands in scripted invasions. Muster gets a small gold bonus whenever there's a chance for that in the same.


I'd like to see them rewarded for bringing in rare or heavy animal pelts / meat. I believe there was an NPC in there already that mentioned such but never did anything of note. Expand upon that some maybe.

Furthermore, and more rewarding I think, would be a new type of "favor" system that allows the two houses to compete. This would represent their favor with the populace of Mistlocke rather than just the clan itself, and the tides could be turned by bringing in bounties for the village (supports Caermyn values) , bringing in rare game hides / meat (supports aberdenn values), donating gold, donating trinkets / gold / clothing / armor to a special chest in the Last Keep (aids the Muster, supports the village as a whole), or more.

As this favor system shifts, their wages earned would shift as a representation of support. So at 50/50, they get the current wages / favor. If it were at 75% Aberdenn and 25% Caermyn, the Caermyn pay would be cut in half to represent their loss of commerce, trade, etc, but the favor earned by the Aberdenn would have increased.

Lastly I would suggest putting in a lot more options for both favor and gold within the halls themselves. The shops are really limited, and the Aberdenn especially suffer since earning favor cannot be supplemented by outside efforts (questing, trade, and more to gather gold)

Mr Howardson

maybe allowing members of Clan Aberdenn to use the gathering system in the Mistlocke Market Hall until a much higher level, like 9 or 10?


I'd be more interested in seeing proactive goals set for the house that could define the little perks. I mean, they are hunters, so are there supply caches out in the woods their hunters use that the aberdenn can bring in?

I mean the caermyn are suppose to Make Money, and easily quantifiable resource that benefits them doing it anyway. Then the house helps them make more! The Aberdenn just need something which supports both the down time of the players in the house, and something which has recorded progress either in goods, items, or faction esteem.

I would say that gather is a rather bland function, and becomes to easy at higher levels. Though, there could be higher level gathering quests specifically for the faction. Much like the caermyn chests. I always did like the WWatchers Laurels system, though it did require DM oversight.

I am also a fan of seeing them have access to things like dogs, warriors, or others which gives them a more martial feel that is def faction based.

Mr Howardson

How about padded gates in certain areas where PCs can plant/farm herbs, etc...without fear of these items getting taken by other players, and access to them is restricted to the clan? Would help PCs make proper herbalists with a reliable supply. Access to them can be based on clan keys, so people who are not affiiated with the clan can PvP aberdenn PCs for the key.

Can be a source of conflict after all!


That actually sounds like an awesome idea. Give herbalists a reason to want to deal with Aberdenn, if they control the (reliable) sources of supply.


Sheer Gluttony

I quite like VP's idea for a competitive rewards system, it might actually promote more active conflict of interests between the too and certainly makes it more involving.  Perhaps a system akin to the Muster bounties but for monsters as the Aberdenn are meant to be protectors of the village from such threats.  An Aberdenn huntsman that will set bounties on particularly powerful monsters that randomly spawn in the mists.  For example "Gather a group to find and defeat Glorborlax the Ogre who has been pillaging our farms" culminating in favour for aberdenn pc's and exp or some thematic reward for others.


Maybe place a head item into named monster NPCs that only appears for Aberdenn PCs if they've taken a quest offered in the Hall?