Merchant licensing enables stalls

Started by Organized_Chaos, October 25, 2012, 05:03:56 PM

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Add a conversation branch and a check so that if you have a merchanting license you can use the stalls without paying extra. The only alternative to the stalls is spreading your things all over the floor, where anyone can just pick it up and walk off.

For 250gp, you should be able to use the stalls.


Make a poster and don't show off your wares.

The stall is a huge perk and shouldn't be free for a mere 250gp.

Otherwise people would honestly keep claiming them until it bugs out and perma enables them to use it and the sign always has their crap on it.

Its sweet enough that you don't have to pay the tollbooth money if you have a license.


Obvious a licensed trader should have a perk in the marketplace.
Im for this.


The perk is that you don't NEED to use a stall to sell your wares, according to Mistlocke law.



But the stalls are -awesome-. Why would you not want to use them? Great way to show everything off in a way it can't be pilfered. And multiple people can look at it. Organized.

Let the license enable them.


The stall feature is awesome but I've seldom found it worth it. At least as a character that sells a small potion selection. Especially as you can post your entire inventory on the forum for free.

All the costs of the stall, the sending advertising your stall, etc. really add up after a while. Unless you have a wage to eat it you're going to be spending a lot of money just to get people to look at what you offer.