
Started by Nights Bane, September 15, 2012, 11:29:49 PM

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Nights Bane

Behn got withered and left to die out on 'outpost 19' in sis lamin.  Thats about it, other than being high merchant for a bit.

Knight Of Pentacles

What he gets for going AWOL.

The Old Hack

Oh no, poor Behn! Kate actually liked him >.<

Wonderful character :) As reliable as a check in the mail!



Lol i thought behn was gonna try and kill maleken and davian since he was about to wither away completely! you even put us on hostile! You likely would have killed one of us since we were expecting it but not sure when. Anyways Behn was fun when i got to spend time around him! Even indulging in his consumption of gold through alcohol was interesting since behn started acting like davians best bud atm xD


tame ending, but still you were fun, sion had a decent time till he had to beat you unconscious.

heck maybe he will come back as a h'balan minion and wreak vengeance on the conclave


Bobbybrown.. why???? xD

The Old Hack

Poor Behn at least received a little respect in the end. As per instructions, Briar carried his slain body back to the Conclave after washing it and composing its features in death.

Rest in peace, Behn. Till the day she died, Ekaterin firmly believed that you were not nearly as bad as many made you out to be.

el groso

A true sociopath! Well done!

Knight Of Pentacles

The withered beast got taken to his ancestors afterall.


Could never trust that guy, but he was quite a character. It was amusing to see how he paid for commanding Blakharak to kill a consort, and this screenshot collage is just perfect.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


another good one departs