
Started by BASTARD!, April 22, 2012, 03:15:03 AM

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I find it interesting that on one hand this thread has opened up some potentially good dialogue, but on the other we're hearing the same thing we've heard a million times.  

I also find it interesting that the people that say mechanical skills are "easy to learn" are the people that are mechanically superior anyway.  Not everyone is going to be a superstar.  Period.  Not everyone is game incline.  And not everyone has a million hours (yes, an exaggeration) to spend IG trying to achieve such.  To be flat out dismissive or say "you're just not trying hard enough" is in it's own way very discouraging to those that aren't at your level.  Being told that over and over, sooner or later you're just going to give up.

To quote myself:  
QuoteIf there's someone you want to compete against, compete against yourself. Find goals that stretch your abilities a bit, and you'll learn and grow. And yes, you will get better mechanically. You may or may not ever be a mechanical superstar. That's okay. Stretch your RP abilities, stretch your mechanical abilities, stretch your "fear factor" abilities, stretch your concept abilities. Those sorts of things get noticed too.

Most of all ... make it enjoyable for you.

That last line is the most important, really.

(15 years playing EfU? that's a neat trick)
[20:20] <crump> nature's not outright trying to murder everyone there, it's playing gentle, lures everyone into a false sense of security. then it strikes. chicago's weather is the bdsm of nature systems

Jayde Moon

I am amused by this sense of extremes in the NWN mechanical aptitude debate!

It's like the idea is being connoted on one side of the argument that EVERYONE can be a Naga or a Caddies and on the other side that some people will never be able to figure out why a blur potion is useful.

While not everyone will be insane-o good at NWN, even after 15 years ( :) ), just like not everyone who picks up a pool cue or a basketball is going to be the next Black Widow or M. Jordan; everyone can work up to at least a moderate proficiency at NWN if they set their mind to do it.

Some people will improve more slowly and some people will get better quickly.  Let's not mistake frustration with the learning curve and impatience at improvement with a blanket statement of "I'll NEVER GET BETTER".

[hide="Weird Personal Analogy"]I can't breakdance.  I wish I could.  Some days I'll be like, I should learn breakdancing.  So I put on music and I try to teach myself a 6-step on the floor.  After 15 minutes I give up and say to myself, "I'LL NEVER LEARN HOW TO BREAKDANCE."

And then I content myself to just dance on my feet and do all the fun moves I know that don't require me to put my hands on the ground.

Just because I'm impatient, get quickly frustrated, and then am content to settle for less doesn't mean that I can never learn how to breakdance.  I'm simply giving up because before I give myself a real chance at learning.[/hide]

If you set your mind to it, you could improve at NWN mechanics to at least a level where you don't immediately die when some PvP genius simply looks in your direction.

If that's not what's important to you, that's fine to!

And EfU is not just about NWN mechanics and in every aspect of our server/community, EVERY ASPECT, you CAN improve if you wish to.  It just takes time and patience.


Again I would like to thank everyone for their input. More-so on the roleplay end of things then elsewhere..

This thread was not a complaint about game mechanics, or even difficulty. I do not have trouble playing NWN. It is an old game and for the most part I have a decent handle on staying alive..except for in those extreme cases where something crazy happens like an unlucky crit (DM interaction and PVP excluded).

My real complaint was against the things I can not control so much like being stunned/knockeddown/entangled/blinded etcetc. Especially having done the quest for the FIRST time. I was blindsided, and like I have said these woes diminished when I was told by several people how hard this quest is.

The best thing to come of this is the realization of why we roleplay in the first place. It really is about the story and embracing whatever concept you have entirely. Not expecting to get things, but striving to make your character better because it pushes you along your own path as well as helping to mold the journeys of others. I think on a server like this, and from what people have said, that good things will come if you stay true to an idea and express it in a way that is interesting or involving.

Thanks again.


I for one feel that JaydeMoon's Weird Personal Analogy should be documented and uploaded to YouTube so that we can all learn something about personal growth.


QuoteI also find it interesting that the people that say mechanical skills are "easy to learn" are the people that are mechanically superior anyway. Not everyone is going to be a superstar. Period. Not everyone is game incline. And not everyone has a million hours (yes, an exaggeration) to spend IG trying to achieve such. To be flat out dismissive or say "you're just not trying hard enough" is in it's own way very discouraging to those that aren't at your level. Being told that over and over, sooner or later you're just going to give up.

Calm down.

I merely said that getting experience in PvP situations makes one progressively more competent and confident in them, and that its a better alternative than sticking your head in the sand. It's sort of amusing how defensive you're getting over what was merely some helpful advice.

QuoteI think on a server like this, and from what people have said, that good things will come if you stay true to an idea and express it in a way that is interesting or involving.

That's the essence of EFU, yes. If you keep it in mind at all times you'll have alot of fun here. Good luck.


I can agree with this, I think. I have the same problem: whenever there's a PvP fight I freeze and just flat-out suck. Part of it is sucking at PvP in general, but a much bigger part is frankly just me being a pussy and avoiding conflict.

If you can manage to embrace a mentality that thrives on conflict, and can remain with a good attitude even if you are defeated I think us wimps would get a lot more out of this cool server.

In the spirit of that, let us scared sissies stop dodging conflicts and charge head-long into trouble! At worst we'll be dead bodies that pave the path of a legendary hero and at best we'll emerge better players, learning something in the process that has eluded us for years!


Quote from: Caddies;285033Calm down.

I merely said that getting experience in PvP situations makes one progressively more competent and confident in them, and that its a better alternative than sticking your head in the sand. It's sort of amusing how defensive you're getting over what was merely some helpful advice.

o.O  I'm quite calm.  And not defensive.  Merely pointing out how the same mantra we've heard a million times can be taken by other people.  There's a big difference between being realistic about one's abilities and sticking your head in the sand.  If you read my entire post, I did finish it off with pointing out that one does need to stretch their abilities.

Anyway, enough with the derailment :)

At it's essence, we've all pretty much said the same thing in various fashions.  Play to have fun.  Stretch yourself if you're unhappy with your abilities.  But most of all ... have fun.
[20:20] <crump> nature's not outright trying to murder everyone there, it's playing gentle, lures everyone into a false sense of security. then it strikes. chicago's weather is the bdsm of nature systems


Quote from: BASTARD!;284998The best thing to come of this is the realization of why we roleplay in the first place. It really is about the story and embracing whatever concept you have entirely. Not expecting to get things, but striving to make your character better because it pushes you along your own path as well as helping to mold the journeys of others. I think on a server like this, and from what people have said, that good things will come if you stay true to an idea and express it in a way that is interesting or involving.

Thanks again.

This. <3


If you believe the book "Outliers", 10,000 hours put into any hobby will make you a master!

All literary commentary aside, EfU is an emotional rollercoaster for many players.

The euphoric highs that come with leveling, successfully defeating a powerful NPC, and overcoming a fierce PC rival are sharply contrasted by the agony of losing a hard earned level or perhaps the loss of a precious sword gained through perilous adventure. Most importantly, and as many have mentioned already, in the end you'll always have the story you've weaved into the ongoing narrative of Mistlocke's history.

Most of us wouldn't have it any other way, and I would encourage you to embrace this rollercoaster. Nothing that comes easy is exciting, or worthy a memory in my experience. Good luck with EfU, I hope you decide to stick around.


Quote from: Caddies;285033Calm down.


Lock this thread, says Morva.


You all should have seen I_O's PvP before he made a PC just to participate in conflict. He's the perfect before and after example. So I can guarantee that the method does work, it just takes a variable amount of time tailored to the person. I'd be an example too except that girls can't PvP as I'm often told, so anyone I crush is pure luck, and every loss is just my natural state of being.


Well said!

...but shouldn't you be making the other DMs sandwiches?

*runs away giggling*