
Started by NecroDude, April 07, 2012, 10:09:44 PM

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Hey at last i got my own copy of the game and yes everything works fine except for one thing that i noticed started happening on my comp with the other copy and i thought getting my own copy would also help. Whenever i play the game online or just one of the modules either after i equip something or when i play for around 1-3 min the game starts lagging really bad that i have to quit and restart Neverwinter to play it, only to have the same thing happen. Can anybody help me out with this? I'm finally able to play but this problem makes playing practically impossible.


try turning all settings to low, I know it sounds obvious but you may have forgotten


What do you mean by lag? Does your screen freeze up or does it take forever for your character to do anything when you click on something?

Disable Shiny Water and Environment Mapping on Creatures, as well as turning off shadows entirely, Sky Boxes and Environment Shadows. These things tend to cause me problems (though I usually keep Environment Mapping on).

A few weeks ago, I was using Hamachi as well for some games with other EfU'ers, now I don't know HOW Hamachi caused this, but eventually my internet started breaking and EfU became unplayable on my computer (massive FPS decreases at seemingly random times, I could not do anything). Once I removed Hamachi entirely, it got better. Check for other programs on your computer that may be causing problems.


Have you updated any graphic drivers lately? If so, try rolling them back. Run in compatibility mode, w/e. Might be caused by settings too.



:) i fixed it Nbane gave me some ideas and so i changed the compatability to NTservice mode and then all the problems went away! So finally at last ill be able to play again :) see you guys in game and thanks for helping!