Make Deer Hostile

Started by Egon the Monkey, July 21, 2011, 04:52:52 PM

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If the rangers don't want to kill the deer but want to rest, they could always just chase them off, if the deer have perma-fear.


Perhaps someone could script a permanent aura around the deer, that, if triggered, puts a fear effect on the deer itself.


Silly. A better AI for animals that -DOESNT LAG- is definitely a tall order and a grey area... Yes, realistic animals are nice, but if they make the server sluggish... I'd rather sacrifice them.

I did try to tweak the animal AI several times, and from experience it's hard to make them seem smart without severely diminishing server performance.

Just as a comparison, I once tried to make rats in the sewer behave more like rats (run around the sewer, etc.). It melted the processor and it was only a set of 3 area, now extend that for every birds, boars, deers, fireflies, etc. into every nature area.

Drakill Tannan

I imagine rats are quite numerous however. What if we'd make deer rarer, but their pelt and meat more valuable? After all such animals are most of the time hiding and fleeing, it should be rare to spot one. If instead of 9-12 deer per area we had one, with such AI, would it lag the server much?


Why is this so important? If you really have a hard time tracking down some deer without using a tracking system then you should probably just get your eyes checked, they are everywhere!

The Old Hack

Introduce the Dire Deer. Make it hostile, give it flaming antlers that do +1D6 acid damage, AC 30 and Improved Knockdown. Top it off with massive HP, AB and damage, make it rove in herds of a dozen and this should satisfy all cravings for homicidal ungulates the players here may have, at least for a while.

Spiffy Has

ToHs idea, brilliant.

Staring Death

A deer ate my bedroll. True story.

The Old Hack

An actual dire deer: