Gaming 'Tiles'

Started by Jayde Moon, December 05, 2008, 01:19:53 AM

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Jayde Moon

Hey all, maybe someone can help me out here.

I've been looking for any resource of virtual gaming tiles so that I can run a Star Wars game virtually for my son.

Don't need to print anything out and I'm not afraid of manually placing tiles in Paint.

Just nice Sci-Fi tiles and maybe some overland map action that I can string together and send as jpgs for a nice, visual representation of what's going on, etc.



What would the jpegs need to be in size if they were to be custom-made?

Jayde Moon

Just proportionate.  I'd say detailed at about an inch per square, with each inch representing about 5ft.  Think Star Wars Miniatures.

I found something that's what I'm looking for called e-Future Tiles (you can google that).

Not very expensive, but it does cost money, so I'm holding out for finding something more along the lines of 'free' on the interwebs.


Anything particularly you want in the tilesets? Switches? Star Wars random vehicles?  A Sarlacc pit to DM kill your son via failed teh reflexage?

Jayde Moon

I guess whatever.  The biggest thing is being able to customize.

I don't need a 'room filled with stuff' so much as I need separate tiles of the floor which I can copy paste over and over again to make the room and then stuff to put in it (totally secondary) like chairs and speederbikes and stuff.


Whoa JaydeMoon has progeny? wat