Food and mist travelling

Started by Nights Bane, June 26, 2011, 03:25:24 PM

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Nights Bane

I spend alot of time lost in the mists.  And I usually roleplay being starving when i arrive back in Mistlocke.  I was thinking rations could be needed in order to travel through the 'proceed into the mist' placeables, to simulate that.  Harvested fruit and nuts, and rations... Could be a cool dynamic.  It's one thing to have the need to eat in resting, but I'm totally against that. it sucks.

Dunno. Just a thought.


You could kill a deer or whatever on the way and just eat.

Arch Rogue

No offense, but this sounds terrible. <_<


I'm not sure this would be good, but we have discussed requiring food/rations for resting in wilderness areas (i.e. no requirement for inns, but required if you want to camp somewhere).


I don't really see a good reason for the change suggested here. Considering the spacing of the QAs and the randomness of the Mist paths, I don't think the convenience merits additional item consumption. My opinion is only a handful of the plethora of food items would be successfully targeted by such a change so you'd always have to be buying rations as opposed to picking the 124145124 fruit shrubs out there.

Resting in the wilderness already requires a cumbersome bedroll and an oil flask. Additional item consumption doesn't make this alternative any more appealing to me.


I hate the idea of food/rations/canteens being needed. I have seen Arelith's implementations of having to be more real lifish but it is just terribly hard to maintain all the time.
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


The Beggar


There are servers available if you want the whole realistic food/water survival thing.  Araleth I think is one.  They also have a script in which your weapons and armor deteriorate with use.  It was brutal.  I would rather not head in that direction. Keeping HP above zero on EFU is enough.


I don't really see why it'd be a big problem to require food if you happen to be camping (which should maybe require just a little more planning/preparation than going to an inn) but yes I'm aware that some players have a sort of very knee-jerk/negative reaction to the mere proposal of requiring food even in this limited way. So we are indeed unlikely to implement it.

.... except on my DM quests, maybe, sometimes! Anything to promote cannibalism among party members always seems like a good idea to me.

Drakill Tannan

I perhaps would agree to such under very specific conditions. Generally a DM event i wouldn't mind, especially if it represents traveling a long way, or being away for a long time. But food requirements are really just annoying. Oil already fulfills the need of having to be prepared before heading to the wilds in addition to having the items necesary (bedroll)