EFUSS Systems Mega Thread

Started by Kinslayer988, June 20, 2011, 07:11:25 PM

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I enjoy the feedback. I agree with ninelives that it shouldn't be like the sims and be a house game, but, the original idea was to implement systems so that these skills can have use outside of DM situations.
What DM wants to simply oversee:
Blacksmith man : [hits his hammer on the forge]
Mister DM [DM] : Roll concentration and strength check
Blacksmith man: *roll concentration check* 3+4= 7
Mister DM [DM] : You lose some concentration in your work and ruin a bit of quality
I don't want to see blacksmithing Pcs have to do DM supervised ore runs, smelting, or forging (And I think that it would be very boring for the DMs to oversee it). That is why I suggested the idea.
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


One way I see something being implemented for Mining, Masonry and Woodworking (or Carpentry?) is randomly-spawning placeables like the fruit and nut trees, but for metal ore (in mountain caves), stone quarries (in the desert and surface mountain areas) and quality timber trees (in the forest) respectively. Admittedly I see them as being much rarer spawns than fruit trees.

Harvesting from these placeables would require a check against the appropriate skill, much like the Scavenging quests, and the placeable would disappear after a set number of components have been found, again like fruit trees. The components could then be returned to a settlement to a PC and traded for a different set of goods as we currently can with food supplies.

Also gives DMs a trackable way of dealing with resource shortages.


That is exactly what I want chezcaliente!
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


If I could play a dwarf who mines all night to throw iron ore at orcs during the day, I would be satisfied.

Egon the Monkey

Just make sure you have a longbow ready in case of Creepers :D. Yeah, Chezcaliente nails it. Wild PCs and skinners have resources worth trekking about to gather. Adding more of these would give IC reasons to explore the isle, rewards for something other than combat, and ways to show to a DM that you are stockpiling resources. Put the gathering points in areas with deliberately nasty spawns or a long way from Mistlocke, and you have a quest without a QA.

DMs often go with stupid prices for NPC purchases because Gold is an easily available resource, no oversight needed. On the other hand, EFUSS check quests that are like a L2-10 version of Ruins Scavenger give a variety of resources to go look for, and a reason for PCs to be in more places on the server, to explore without being solo stealthers.


Quote from: Ebok;245905Wilderness Survival = Efuss points + Ranger level + 1/2 Heal

This doesn't seem to be true. My level 6 ranger with 10 heal and 10 points in W.S. has only a 20 when he goes to skin an animal or something. If it were the above formula, it'd be 21 (10 ranks, 5 from 1/2 heal, 6 from ranger levels, instead of 10 ranks, and 10 from heal).

Drakill Tannan

Archaeology: Could be added to the check to translate tablets and the like.

Carpentry: Could have a sistem that allowed the PC to craft his own arrows for some gold and raw materials. Non-magical arrows though.

Astronomy: IMO change it to astrology, and allow it to, sometimes, give you insights on future events on the server when looking through the telescope atop the last keep.


I think astrology would be a bit too much.
Play a diviner who looks into mist if you want to see into the future and devote yourself to it.
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


I don't actually see the harm from crafting. Egon makes a good point about ore hunting, and after that the items created are non-magical, so quest loot will in no way become obsolete. The only chance of that is full plate being more readily available, but with proper ore scarcity as well as skill and time requirements, the price shouldn't drop too drastically.

The system doesn't have to be all that profitable, make it on the whole not worth it, and some people will still jump to it because it's something different to RP.

One impediment/RP driver could be accessibility of a forge. Maybe a PC could save to buy one, maybe there is a smith somewhere that will rent out use of his facilities, or maybe a PC aligns himself with a faction that has a forge, charged with supplying arms and armor in the style of/for the faction.


I want to have blacksmiths that can actually smith stuff
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers


The basic harm is that it's a pretty boring system on the whole that would help inactive players get rich off collecting things from around the island. The Alchemy and Herbalism systems are interesting, exciting and add a cool magical feel to the server. The most exciting you can get in a blacksmithing system is that you break your hammer.


Yeah, like I said, I'm all for the scavenging / foraging type implementation for ore /timber etc as it gives a good reason to travel and take risks. But I'm against mundane crafting as, unlike Herbalism/Alchemy, there is little risk to the player nor does it require experimentation.

Swifty Willownall

Make the significant bonus to parry more than the small bonus to social skills? >>


"Secondary Parry" should be giving 3 points to parry per 5 ranks of Secondary Parry. So with 10 points in Secondary Parry, that should be a bonus of 6 total - well above what Secondary Diplomacy gives.

If this is not what is happening, please make a bug report.