The "History of Ymph" project

Started by VanillaPudding, May 19, 2011, 10:32:26 AM

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I have not been around since the start of EFU:A myself but I've seen a lot of things and often forget some of the more awesome events that took place. I also spend a lot of time browsing old screenshots, whether my own or another person's, so I thought it might be cool for everyone to post a shot or two of their favorite events from the archipelago. So turn on your shamelessness and bring forth the nostalgia. I certainly can't offer what some of you can, so please provide your best!

Traitors and rebels fighting their way into the sewers of Old Port.

The Docks' have always been home of the fanatical. The Church of Umberlee now poses a serious threat to the Dominion, before that it was the Cult of Fury that enjoyed sacrificing it's victims in the docks.


I sadly, of course, don't have the most epic pictures of these events taken or available but I hope they shed some light to what happened. I will browse more later and see if I can find any.

Here we were taking a dangerous trip to the Old Port to tell Duke Trenada and Count's forces about the news of Ixpadian War and ask for aid. We had to use the boat of Horter Roose as none else dared to travel there. Before we reached Old Port, we were stopped by the ship of General Drexia himself. We told our loyalist story and were given aid to reach Trenada and tell news and return home with instructions. Here we are standing on General Drexias boat as he takes us closer the Port. If someone has more pictures of DREXIA pls post here, especially that nice speech he gave on top of Ziggurat after Ixpadian reign and dissolved the House Sharboneth.

Wish I had a better picture of this, maybe someone has but here we are gathered just before the major attack on Ziggurat to drive off the Ixpadian forces, where the Sharboneth loyalists joined the battle.

Here is the GRAND CACHE RwG's umberlite cleric so much preached about.

While this was a project launched mostly by my characters own goals to forge a blade, it turned out to be fairly nice event which eventually led to the demise of Red Star Demon/Devil that harassed the Ymph for a while and had quite good amount of supporters too.

Taking a portal to a celestial plane to acquire some barrel of celestial blood, to temper my blade in it after it's crafting.

The acquiring of the blood did not go so well, and we were given final chance: To die or attempt to destroy the Red Star Demon. We managed to destroy it.

"EFU is a romance server now" -Vlaid

"Some people just gotta be killed" -Gip



I'm amazed to see two of my PCs featured in those screenshots. I've got quite a bit more on my PC, going all the way back to Day 1. I'll come back in here and post some when I've got more time.

Staring Death

Before the first Targan Event...

We ended up all petrified.