Graham Greyfell, the Archaeologist

Started by Wrexsoul, May 01, 2011, 09:40:52 AM

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So! It is finally time for my very first character screen shot thread.

For starters I wish to say that Greyfell actually isn't dead, or even certainly concluded. But when I moved to a new country I felt it was a good time to take a break, so he is at least semi-permanently put on hold.

With that out of the way...

Graham Greyfell was my first character upon returning to the server after a rather huge hiatus. Back when I last played, we were still living in caves, herding rothes. Upon returning here and seeing how much had changed (not only a new server version, but an entirely new setting, with sunlight nonetheless!), I decided I wanted a PC that could explore all the new wonders and sights in-depth. After much pondering, Graham Greyfell; ruggedly handsome, alliterated, rash, almost semi-competent and irresistibly charming (and totally ripped off of Indiana Jones, down to the whip and everything >_>) saw the new light of day.

I must say that as a first character, he completely outdid my expectations. I got to see so much amazing stuff, met so many downright awesome players and PCs, and for the first time in my RP career I felt I was not only floating along grinding quests, but actually getting stuff happening and involving people. Due to increased time constraints and a more and more pressing RL, none of his long-term plans really bore fruit, but I had a blast all the same. Thanks to all, both to the PCs and DMs I was involved with, for making it such an awesome experience! I am sorry I couldn't ever really "get there" due to my poor playing times towards the end, but I hope you are not too let down by me, still.

Before I turn this into a soppy novella, though, it's time for the screenshots! Now, I have to confess to being one of those people who, as soon as things get interesting, completely forget the print screen button even exists. That means I've unfortunately missed out on a great deal of cool screenshot opportunities, but there's some twenty-odd ones I would like to share, nonetheless.

Graham often tried to organize expeditions to various interesting places of the island. These trips, despite often being entirely fruitless mechanically, were a blast. Here are some screenies from them:

Exploring the bogs and tunnels.

Popped down into the Sunken Enclave for a stroll.

Ilythiiri ruins, and that bloody room in the middle that took me half my character's career to finally get into ;)

Note to self: Do not use your only charge of Rogue's Cunning to pick ridiculously high-DC'd locked doors leading to dead ends where the only way out is back through the very same locked door, which incidentally just slammed shut behind you.

The Smash was a favourite area of mine, and I had a few awesome DM events with folks there. Unfortunately, these all involved me constantly scrambling to stay alive (deathcount LPFF: 5 Wrex: 0 :(), so I forgot to screenshot all but one.

Me and zeulisad Devlin found an underground laboratory unearthed by Gibberlings. Our rash exploring (read: me being an idiot) lead to eventually filling the entire chamber with toxic gas and setting lose huge-ass Iron Golem on the town, wrecking it up in the Temple District. It all ended with myself and Kreil Gotek heroically luring it to the Smash crater lake, taunting it and diving into the lake right as it lunged for us, drowning it in the depths. I then nearly got eaten by a shark. :(

I also managed to get in on Nuke's Dreamer trilogy, the first part of which I have some screenshots of:

As we learned from Pokémon, walking through the tall grass leads to random encounters.

The difference between Pokémon and Nuke's dungeon though is that in Pokémon, the grass doesn't contain behemoth sized poisonous Mutant Boa Constrictor Cobras trying to eat you alive.

In the end, we found the root of all evil; A medusa. Graham got to experience life from the other side of petrification for a few glorious minutes; He made a very striking statue!

All was well in the end though. After many scrolls of Stone to Flesh, and a +39 search modifier revealing the hidden Loot Lever, the hidden stash of the Medusa was revealed!

I also tried to get my own faction running; The Greyfell Archaeological. Due to previously mentioned time constraints, it sadly never quite got anywhere (sorry all of you who were in on it, you're the best!). Nevertheless, I tried my best to spread the word.

During his search for knowledge, he often ended up in far-away places. Here, trading a tale from a far off city for information about a lost civilization...

...And fruit for XP. >_>

Being knocked back down to level 3 after a series of unfortunate events sucked, but was not without its highlights. Scavenging quest with +21 Search, anyone?

And lastly; The obligatory loot screenies.

My favourite piece of loot ever; Given to me by Zyphaem Faussad himself!

This ring I got after defending a monastery in a secluded corner of the island against ravaging ogres and giants.

"Ring of the Ruthless Explorer", awarded to me after nearly getting myself, my friends and half the city demolished in said Iron Golem incident. >_>

So, there you have it! I hope it wasn't too long-winding, and that at least some of the screenshots were worth the watch!


A very nice, ambient character to have around.

I hope you re-return soon!


Enjoyed our interaction very much. Good char to have around, even though we didn't get to do so much together.

RIP, friend - Sedran Lupos
"EFU is a romance server now" -Vlaid

"Some people just gotta be killed" -Gip


Graham has always been fun to explore places with. Or to brainstorm potential places to explore with! I did like the journey into the desert with that surprisingly massive group that showed up for your first advertised expedition. The Golem incident was pretty funny, from your retelling, since it sounded like Graham saved the day. He did save the day.... by the skin of his teeth. :D

Sorry I could not meet up IG with you more often.

Re-return when you are ready, mate! :) Happy travels in your newly chosen country.


Great character and he took a firm place with his knowledge.


It was a pleasure partaking in the archaeological.

Take care out there.
'Even life eternal is not time enough to see, all the folly and despair of poor Humanity.' - [url=]To Life - A Shoggoth on the Roof[/url]

It is through Art, and through Art only, that we can realise our perfection.


Was a pleasure to have you back with a cool PC, good luck with your latest character Wrex.


A superb character. Best of luck with your next!

Knight Of Pentacles

Never got to see much of him unfortunately, though I don't doubt he was an excellent character.


Excellent PC. Was fun to DM for you. Waiting on your next.

O Fortuna

He was a fun character. I had a blast on that first journey to the desert. Good luck in your endeavors.

The Old Hack

Ulfrin loved Graham. He was awesome to have around, hope you will enjoy your next, too!