I fought the law and the law won

Started by Random_White_Guy, April 26, 2011, 03:10:36 AM

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Dr Dragon

A point I would like to make on Player Character judges. The options are available for players to become Lords who are responsible for handing out judgments. But seeing the lack of PC lords there is a lack of PCS judging criminals. So if players are concerned of a lack of PC Judges become a lord already!


For those who are talking about hating waiting for trials and hating waiting I have a simple solution. You get arrested and you aren't automatically getting the death penalty, make a new char to hang out on while you wait for the trial. If you die, you have a char ready, if you don't die you can continue playing the one who was on trial and you have another char for when he does finally die.

you axed for it

"Any more gunplay gets answered. You call the law in Sampson, you don't  get to call it off just cause you're liquored up and popular on payday."


There are a lot of ways to get creative about capturing criminals without necessarily executing or enslaving criminals. Unless you're playing a paladin, giving some consideration for the greater good could be an interesting way to pursue your assignments without spilling too much blood.  Consider the following situation.

John, a violent criminal, has a warrant for a non-capital crime like mugging. Sergeant Ken orders Private Mark to do something about these muggings, so he starts investigating the case.  After a few days of hard work, Pvt. Mark uncovers some evidence that John is the criminal in question.  He can either:

A. Gear up with Privates Carl, Susan, and Luke and knock John's teeth in.  If there are other charges to consider, executing John could be considered.

Probable Result: Maybe Pvt. Mark gets a promotion? Maybe not. Evil gradually circles again, and a new villain emerges.

B. Pvt. Mark thinks he can trust Pvt. Susan, so the two of them set a trap for John. They may or may not beat him up and threaten to drag him to a cell if he doesn't start informing on Veronica, another criminal, and perhaps use his mugging skills to track down a lost suit of Armada armor.

Probable Result: Pvt. Mark gets a promotion when he successfully uses information John provided to solve a few major crimes. Maybe Mark has to question his ethics and cut a few deals to keep his informant alive. Can he trust Pvt. Susan, his old partner? Is John giving him solid information? He better hire spies to keep an eye on each.

This sort of creativity may be tricky for a paladin's rigorous code, but for the rest of us it's a much cooler way to handle a criminal you don't want to FD right away.

Drakill Tannan

IMO players just need not to be assholes. It has happened to me as well, Dram Nermoot died because he let Mummed live, next time i spoke to him, he killed me. I wasn't bitter, but Dram had been my best character, maybe it still is, so it was disapointing.

(I'm not calling Mummed's player an asshole, that was an exageration to dramatise the idea..)

If somone were to spare my PC's life in a situation were FD was called for, i would step away form that PC at least for a while.