Courteous Behavior regarding DM events

Started by Mort, April 03, 2011, 02:06:59 PM

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DM client is hectic. If a group gets split on an event, its even more hectic as you basically have to be at two, three, four... places at once. We receive all messages in the same box, so if you miss messages from time to time when there are 10+ characters talking, imagine that + receiving system shouts such as sending, quest start, tells from every players who want to do solo actions, and every other system that sends a warning to DMs.

It can lead to quite a headache, especially if you are in the middle of possessing NPCs in battle, and getting spammed with battle shouts, subdual messages, etc. It's very easy to miss message especially if they come from PCs that you are not following. You sometimes assume they are doing another quest or with another DM.

I'm all for including as many people into my events as possible, but sometimes the event is balanced for a certain group in mind, and if you want to drop in because you stumbled on it by luck or hazard, it is extremely nice to get CONFIRMATION that it's ok with me, so I can adjust and prepare beforehand for your group. Sometimes, you're not meant to find an area, perhaps it required an NPC scout to get there and the transition is a representation of that. So if you stumble upon an @area, just make sure it's meant for you, wait for a DM go ahead. You're meant to have a confirmation before initiating PvP in front of NPCs, it isn't any different here.

If you dont get confirmation, either the DM is busy settling something, first and he will do his best to get to you when he has time, the least you can do is wait for him.


For those unaware, areas that begin with the "@" symbol indicate that it is a special dm-opened area. Although occasionally and rarely we might leave a few of these open and around for bonus exploration areas, the vast majority of the time they are part of an on-going DM quest. As Mort says, it is therefore appropriate to use the DM channel to get confirmation before proceeding.

If the area is open and no DM is online, feel free to enter.