Bullywug Group

Started by derfo, April 01, 2011, 07:55:58 PM

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With the announcement of the new deity/race I am interested in being the figurehead of Wastri lovers, leading their foothold into the Archipelago and beyond. Anyone interested can send me a PM but here is a quick overview:

  • Revere Wastri
  • Capture people to spit dirt into their mouths
  • Be crazed frog lovers, members will be expected to RP sleeping in mud a good portion of our journey
  • Kill stupid races
  • Be better than everyone else
  • Other secret goals best disclosed in private...

Race: humans and bullywugs only

Deity: duh

Class: non paladin

Alignment: pro frog/toad


together we will shake the foundation of everyone's very mind and perception

join or die, insect.

EDIT: Dogma and announcement for reference

Dogma: Humans are superior to all other  races. Orcs, goblins, bullywugs, and such are sufficient to serve  humans, but creatures such as elves, dwarves and halflings deserve only  death. Those who disagree with you are wrong and must be convinced of  their error, with a weapon if need be. Those who live in the water and  on land deserve respect, for having a refugee when one of your realms  becomes too dangerous is clever and resourceful.


pretentious jerks stay out


Personally I have always been in favor of making non-humans app only, and I personally enjoy the chance to persue that goal IG. I am definately making a character for this group! I have a question though why can't we do evil druids in this group it seems like it would be a good fit. Of course I defer to derflaros expert opinion it just seems like racial purity is a thing certain druids would be into.


yeah you're right ok druids allowed


Does this group not accept other subhumans (like goblins and orcs) that are willing to love frogs and serve Wastri?


if you want to play a slave orc, goblin, or bullywug, that is fine. i would prefer the majority of the representation to be frog and man, though


I have a fallen frog paladin concept for this. Can I still join? I rly think it would fit well in this concept!
"EFU is a romance server now" -Vlaid

"Some people just gotta be killed" -Gip



I encourage all players to join in on this concept NOW and make a bullywug!

Do it! Before the DMs have to cut back due to amphibian overpopulation.

Sure, you could go with human for the taskforce, but then every ranger and its mother has you as their favored enemy!

Take the leap, and get those apps in now!


My name is Mort and I approve of this message.



Oobuloo demands toads.


This will remind me of that Doctor Who episode where the Daleks go about serving tea to Winston Churchill.