Calishite Concept

Started by One_With_Nature, March 15, 2011, 03:18:06 AM

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Okay well me and the good Doc have been throwing round a few ideas and we've come up with a little concept that we would like to get a few others involved in.

I'll keep it brief just to give you a rough idea of what to expect and you can discuss it with us in more deph in #epicdrdunrageconcept .

A group of men hailing from Calimport acting as merchants and dealing in the more shady aspects of business. With involvement in the slave trade and handling of unsavoury merchandise, these ambitious men seek to find their fortune and live as Sultans.

What you can expect from this concept is:
- Dominion Aliance
- Trade (Goods/Slaves)
- Organised Events (Pit fights etc)
- Politics*
- Behind the scenes shady business* See our IRC channel for more details.

Some of our universal goals without giving the juicy stuff away:
- Seek out Political power withing the Dominion; I.e. Representatives of the group moving to patrician status, seeking to join the council and eventually a nominated member for Lordship.
- Promote Trade withing the Dominion as well as external trade routes. (Old Port, Underdark)
- Lots of public events for the enjoyment of the Dominion
Competing Slave Trade, Selling,Using,Buying Slaves.The idea is to gain a real presence within the dominion that will be felt by the whole server and make a real impact on the Political structure and mix things up abit.

There are more specific goals but none that i wish to discuss here presently.

People should expect their character to be involved in: Crime, Politics, Mercenary work, Trade, Slavery and much more so its a very open concept. We hopefully plan on running a prelude if we get enough interested people so here are the requirements:

1. Must be Calishite in ethnicity.
2. Non-Barbarian, Non-Druid, Non-Paladin
3. Non-Good
4. Race: Non-Elf, Non-Monsterous. (Other races acceptable possibility for slave roles in this concept too)

Feel free to contact either myself OWN or DrD on IRC for more info.

Dr Dragon

Our idea is to attract enough interest so that we can run the prelude. I must add that later on non Calishites will be allowed to be involved however everyone starting out must be Calishites.


I hope to see big hats, big mustaches, and fat mages calling everyone Sahib or Sahiba.

EFU and Politics are always great, best of luck!
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips


You already died? Amazing turnover speed.


Ugh, I would totally be on board if I didn't just bring back Harper. Sounds fun.

Egon the Monkey

Only if I can make a female PC called a Sultana. Or unretire Ahmed Kaliwazah to be fatter, more wizardly and more impressively moustachioed than the lot of you. But seriously, Manchakan Enclave. Even if you're not apping that, it's a good point of contact for Calimshan.


Quote from: BRESTON;229501You already died? Amazing turnover speed.



Join this, assured awesome.


I thought DRD quit?