Animal Domain!

Started by Lenthis, November 23, 2010, 01:15:38 AM

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It is naught worken!
Well for me at least.. Made the char hes perfectly in sync with everything.. just his summons dont seem to be one rank high as advertised.


Only works with the default summoning theme, as it should.


I'm useing that one and it still doesn't work...


Goblin Chieftain

It is still the case that the Animal domain does not give one rank higher summons with the default summoning theme.


This is still not working. Possible to fix, pretty please?


I logged in an old character with this domain that was created Thursday, May 13th, 2010, and the animal domain was working fine in the Fugue. It's still not working for newer clerics, though.
Just a little bump, if this is possible to fix. Thanks!


Help pls if possible.


I created three clerics today to test this, out of curiousity.

Malar without animal domain summoned at I for 15 points.
Malar with animal domain summoned a different creature at I for 30 points.
Chauntea with animal domain summoned at I for 30 points as well.

Just sayin'.