The Brotherhood of the Ooze

Started by SlimeTime, January 10, 2011, 12:13:15 AM

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"Serve the Eye, and great things will come."

The Brotherhood of the Ooze is a faction comprised of the faithful cultists of Ghaunadaur, and their assorted hangers-on. Led by a couple of priests, the broad aim is to amass as much influence and respect for Ghaunadaur as possible (mostly in the Docks), using promises of power, material rewards, trade manipulations and simple fear.

Along the way, we'll be sacrificing a selection of our enemies and plunder to him in flamboyant and usually slimy rituals. The attraction of the faction is that it's suitable for chaotically inclined rebels, unscrupulous bastards or just scared Docksmen wanting protection. We're converting folk IC, and doing rituals and challenges for recruits, not to mention rewards. We've even got a secret section of turncoats and spies, the Eyes of the Elder, because every proper evil cult needs moles.

You can expect:
Sermons! Fighting! Creepy gibbering loons! The chance to emote slime getting everywhere! And, of course, lots and lots of ooze, slime, tentacular monstrosities and goop.

Spiffy Has


Ghaunadaur is fantastic.
Good luck with this!


There is room for all sort in the brotherhood...

opportUNITY... is just around the corner..

join the brotherhood...



We are still going strong! Join up, the fun is still developing!
