Started by Porkolt, January 03, 2011, 01:31:20 PM

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Though I'm sure that, at its conception, EFU staff has carefully deliberated wether or not to make this possible, I would care to suggest the following:
Make it possible to tell which DMs are on using EFUSL.
There are many occasions when you need assistance from a specific DM. For example, one that is tied to your faction.
I would find it very convenient to be able to determine wether the DM in question is available at that very moment. Being able to find out just by looking at EFUSL instead of having to go through the hassle of getting a hold of them on IRC to find out, which potentially includes a lot of waiting, would save a lot of hassle.
Furthermore, I can't think of any reason a DM would want to make it a secret that they're currently IG. But that might just be me.


Obviously this doesn't apply to me, but;

To avoid being bombarded in-game and without. Often you may be logged in to check something briefly out, quickly helping move creatures from someone's corpse before logging out, or sating some fleeting interest or what-have-you. The best way to get a DM's attentions and replies if they are in-game has always been a detailed message to the DM channel.



The problem with this is some players may wait for certain DMs to get online, then ambush them with requests. It can potentially make it very difficult for a DM to set up and actually DM if they're getting all kinds of questions and requests while they're in the Client, trying to run something.

It seems to me that IRC is the best way to chat up a DM and find specific DMs to ask them if they'll help with this or that. Once ingame it's likely better that they feel free to do what they want/had planned without constant interruption and request by name.


There's irc and you can always leave the message to DM channel, shortly detailing what you're intending to do. Has worked so far just fine.


The last time this came up we put it to a vote. It was overwhelmingly against, for reasons mentioned.


So no. Unless a creative case can be made in favor of revealing the identity of online DMs, this isn't going to happen.


Would it be possible for a DM to show/not show his or her name in EFUSL when they logon?


We like to keep the players hoping that maybe, just maybe, ninelives is the DM on the client when they open EFUSL.

The Beggar

Can you please put this into effect so I can stalk the right DMs?


A DM's anonymity is precious for the DM's own sanity. Too many tells, I wager, as a few above this post have already noted.
Also, to take that away from a DM  is to take away from the player base of a certain spark of mystery, isn't it?


This would cause major DM burnout in my opinion, making DMs not want to log in at all.
If there was a way for a DM to actually choose for themselves that that would be much better.

Nuclear Catastrophe

We discussed going back to this before, but the majority of DM's didn't want it.

I'm indifferent, but... it's up to the DM team to decide, really.  So am closing the thread to prevent +1's.