
Started by Divine Intervention, October 04, 2010, 06:29:58 PM

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Divine Intervention

So, i've been wanting to try this idea for a while now. The concept will involve plenty of plotting and conflict, I hope.  It will have a strong emphasis on the wilds and nature.  A lot of the idea is based around a "court" and you can play anything from a guardsman to a court wizard or jester.   I'm looking for any class of elf really, though paladin may be unsuitable due to a certain chaotic element of the concept.  Elves of all sub-races are fine, though i'd prefer if they stick within the alignment range of non-evil.  Chaotic and lawful can both work.  If you are interested in either exploration, elvish history and culture, relic hunting and so much more then shoot me a PM or join #Elves for details.

Divine Intervention

Just to elaborate i'll put in a few goals I have for the group, you will of course have your own individual ones but this should give you an idea of what this is about:

  • Claiming territory, expect to be involved in claiming and defending lands.  We'll be laying down the law and ensuring we have safe havens.
  • Investigating the ancient elves of the isle.  The drow, hated by all elves, Ymph offers a chance to see into the past before they lost their way.  Ruins delving and relic hunting abound.
  • Elvish lore and culture, this concept will heavily involve preserving the elvish way of life on Ymph.  I encourage players to learn a little about elves before they start up and there's likely to be events involving the telling of tales and songs.  A great place for a bard.
  • Spider temples of Lolth, orcs, ogres and goblins.  Some of the most hated foes of elven kind, we'll be taking the fight to them.  Knights, guards, hunters and rangers fit the bill.


What are your playing times/timezones?

Divine Intervention

I am GMT, however we have both GMT and EST players already joining.  This will probably start up very soon so get into #Elves and get involved.  Of course there will be availability to join later.


Charm her enough and you've got a buffbot cleric, friend.


I love this concept. If I didn't already have a prominent character I'd totally jump into it.


Just sort of a question would you guys be playing the weekends a lot

Divine Intervention

Very likely yes.  Weekday evenings too,

Divine Intervention

Starting by the end of the week, anyone wishing to start with the group pm me your ideas by Friday.



We have begun, PM me or DI if you have any questions about joining us!

Divine Intervention

Though severely reduced in number there is still an elven presence around, if you want to get involved in some cool plots and rp then I highly recommend you give it a go.  PM on IRC or the forums if you've got any questions.

Divine Intervention

Thought i'd bump this and say that there is some really cool elf plots going on right now so i'd reccomend you roll one up and get in on the action.  So much stuff yet to explore and the ruins of the elves are big part of the server's lore.