Phariom Ashghail

Started by ShadowCharlatan, December 06, 2010, 05:59:51 PM

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Divine Intervention

Cool story, had some fun talking with him.


Didn't even had an idea it was you, SC! Awesome quality as always. Keep it up, already wondering what you bring up next!



This is what happens when you don't pay for your drinks


I really, really loved out brief "interaction". And that talk we had.

I still have the log from it and going to keep it.

[FishyBusiness] Sah'rdi'nii: [Talk] Power. Power corrupts, Mist Magus. [He sighs wearily.]  
[MistMagus] Phariom Ashghail: [Talk] No...
[MistMagus] Phariom Ashghail: [Talk] No... Beings corrupt power, Trout.  
[MistMagus] Phariom Ashghail: [Talk] Silly Trout.  



He was fun, I never knew when or how he was gonna play things off exactly, but he did them with a lot of cunning.
 I remember the time he polymorphed into a kid and asked for food and money, but Micheal didn't have any 'cause he just gave all his gold to help raise Ariel, I found that so ironic.


Always loved the fact the only thing you could trust him to do was somehow get out of following through with his promises.



Excellent stuff, heretic.


One question though - didn't Leira die because her memory was removed from all of her worshippers by Oghma, thus instantly making her a forgotten and completly unworshipped diety? Leira as the Mists was a concept I had thought about, but didn't think it feasible to even discuss since it was impossible to remember or know about Leira without the intervention of a god.