Recent bouts of server lag

Started by Conan The Conqueror, September 18, 2010, 04:27:13 PM

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Thank you for the continued reports.  This has been an absolute mess to try to track down.

In other news, the server will start showing back up in gamespy after the next reset.


Aside from the one that happened yesterday, (which looks to be an in-game thing, not network lag), has it been happening less?


Lag from the server seems to be totally gone lately.

Jayde Moon

Horribad lag, 5:08 PST while doing Vradz


1.08am GMT Lag confirmed. Major lag during Imps quest for the duration of the quest. right up till reset.

Conan The Conqueror

Quite a bit of lag last night 10/21 around midnight EST. At just about the same time could not access forums/website either.

Conan The Conqueror

Another considerable spike in lag, 12:30pm EST on Saturday 10/23. Trouble loading website/forums at the same time as well again.


Today, 10pm - current GMT -7, or as of this post. Pretty terrible lag, delayed convos, ect. Been bad for a week or so again and is quite frustrating :S


Today at 13:50 (GMT+1), quite alot of lag, delayed conversation and timing out when attempting to log on.

Conan The Conqueror

Also want to note that I've seen consistent issues on the forums as well this week. Pages sometimes won't load on the first try. Have to stop the first attempt and reload.


Lag was consistent and very heavy from 6pm GMT+0 Sunday 7th November until 11:30pm.
Lag jumps and spikes happening every 1-2 minutes. Expreienced by at least 4 players excluding myself who i spoke to.
Happened when alone and in groups up to 4 people. In large and small areas, with many and no NPC's/placeibles.
Turned off all extra effects and was still lagging along with group of players I was with.
Most of us are Euro (UK) based.


Had a lot of lag tonight, played fine from from 7-9pm GMT or so, then the server had a huge lag spike (it seemed) and lagged terribly ever since.