Regarding the Fellhammer Hold door

Started by Wrexsoul, November 06, 2010, 06:05:29 PM

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The main door to Fellhammer Hold is currently always set to be closed and locked upon reset, which creates quite the hassle for someone set to spawn there not in possession of a key. I'm not sure if it's intentionally locked or not, but about half the times I've logged onto my new character (who wound up there as a guest) I've had to simply log back out again after a while of hopefully waiting for someone to walk by with a key, or a DM to hear my prayers.

So, my suggestion to fix this issue, but still not let people barge in however they fancy (if that's the intention with the locked door) is to simply add some kind of lever or unlocking mechanism inside the hall.


Drakill Tannan

If it is intended, and the hold is now off limits, an IC poster in the ruins litter secction would be good.
Quote*posted at the fellhammer hold gates*

would do.