Pack mules

Started by The Old Hack, October 26, 2010, 10:48:22 PM

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The Old Hack

This is purely cosmetic and probably not important, but... the pack mules that inexplicably look like oxen make me wince a little. Are there horses from the 1.69 patch in the mod? Couldn't the oxen conceivably be replaced with unsaddled small horses for slightly more convincing mules? :???:


What's wrong with mules?


mules don't have big freakin' horns. also they don't look exactly like oxen


This has been bothering me for so long I completely blocked it out of my mind until you said something about it.


This is a good point.

The Old Hack

Quote from: Paha Poika;206591What's wrong with mules?

*scratches head* Well, I thought muling was forbidden by the server rules... :shock:


Could just rename them Pack Oxen.


Don't horses cause lag?


Riding horses causes lag.


All horses cause lag, in my experience. I think the simplest solution is to rename them from pack mule to oxen.


If we're worried about causing lag, then the Ziggurat, Docks, and Ziggurat interiors are all due for a redesign.

The Old Hack

When I was DM on another server I occasionally spawned horses and it wasn't a noticeable issue. Precisely how do the horses cause lag? Just by being there? By the number of them spawned? Or by player characters riding them around? Do they strain the server less if they just stand around and look, well, horsey?

That being said, renaming the current 'mules' into 'pack oxen' or 'pack animal' would also work. I am open to either solution.


Horses freeze many player's screens when they enter an area. They're a lot heavier than other NWN graphics. There's no actual server lag that I know of, though.


The problem with horses is the way the engine caches data. When an object leaves the screen it is removed from memory, and the horse model is the single largest creature file in the game (so large it was converted into raw binary to cut down on initialisation). It is client lag, however, not server lag.