Divine wands of arcane spells to be used by arcanists as well?

Started by Drakill Tannan, October 18, 2010, 03:06:18 AM

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Drakill Tannan

Apparently it is a feature that wands crafted by clerics can only be used by divine casters.. wich makes little sence to me, since the magic is already infused in the wand, not being casted from the cleric/wizard and thus should be unaffected by the source. But anyway, with how hard can it be to find wandcrafters depending on your gametime sometimes, could this be made so a wand of a spell both divine and arcane be usable by both arcanists and diviners?

Or could somone at least post a warning somewhere? Wands are expensive, and gaining that gold can take quite a lot of time. It feels like loosing a level to waste 1800 gold on a wand nobody told you by a special rule you can't use...


Rangers should be able to use arcane wands

Drakill Tannan

No, but wizards should be able to use wands of say, bull's strenght.


Arcane magic and divine magic are separate. They should absolutely not be able to use divine wands.

No thanks.

Egon the Monkey

One of the major awesome points of stuff like Spells Domain is it lets PCs like Rangers or Paladins use Wands of Shield for example. If you play an mage, wands are rarely a problem to acquire, and if they are, well take Craft Wand for yourself.
One think I would suggest though is to alter Scribe Scroll if possible. If you scribe a domain spell Clerics normally cannot cast, you end up with a scroll that is unusable to the PC that wrote it. Now that's just wierd.

Drakill Tannan

Ok, but can we get a warning in the mechanics page? In other PWs i've played, and NWN in general arcane wands can be used by divine spellcasters and otherwise, so one is unlikely to asume this feature is so.