A few ideas on the summoning sistem

Started by Drakill Tannan, September 13, 2010, 02:52:24 AM

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Drakill Tannan

When on the animation thread somebody mentioned the summoning sistem was not as intresting as the animating one, and i agree, i thought on the following to make it more fun to play with, while also to make focused summoners more powerfull:

1) Have the time summoned creatures remain be extended in the following way: Once the regular rounds are over, you make a concentration checl each round, with incresing dificulty, and when you fail the creature is unsummoned. Have the conjuration spell school give +2 or 3 to this checkm as well as spell focus: conjuration and GSF: Conjuration. This way, a summoner spellcaster can shine more with their summons, and can further focus on them with the feat Skill focus: concentration.

2) Have a player tool that instead of commaning a summon to attack, comands it to defend. This way a summoner can command a summon to protect him or a party member without having to pay attention to it, and therefore be able to pay attention at summons elsewhere.

3) Have a coutnerpart to the "controll companion" player tools called "Controll party" wich has the diference that commands all the creatures you have summoned, without any need to select them. (Also one for the one i suggested above)

4) Have alternative summoning themes for focused conjurers, perhaps people with GSF: Conjuration get a secondary summoning theme wich they can choose using a "/c summon X" command, for example "/c summon shadow" changes to the shadow theme and then "/c summon ooze" changes to the ooze theme. This way focused summoners become stronger and more versatile, and more fun to play, since you can add variety.

For necromancers:

1) Have SF: Necromancy and GSF: Necromancy work the same way as SF: Conjuration and GSF: Conjuration for the necromantic summoning themes: Shadow and spirits. GSF: Necromancy gives you as a seecondary summoning theme either shadows or spirits only.

For Illusionists:

1) Same as above, so SF/GSF: Illusion works as SF/GSF: Conjuration, except that it doesn't give a secondary theme.

PS: My first and last post on this thread with the exception of bumping or being asked directly... unless a DM says "Yes" or "No".