Feredir Avariel, Aquatic Son of Sabuth.

Started by Equinox, September 06, 2010, 11:31:48 PM

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So yeah, playing a blue skinned, water breathing genasi with glowing blue eyes was a blast. Had some good times, some wierd times and plenty of crazy shit going on.

Feredir was raised by aquatic elves, taught of their hatred for the Sahuagin and saw many of his foster parents killed by the viscious sea-devils. In turn he spent his life dedicating to hunting them, and sharks.

When arriving on Ymph and discoving the slavery, the stygians and the rest. He signed up with the sons and set out to hunt the dominion.

Finally he's done after taking on Drayden in the Targus arena, which for some reasn i didnt get any shots of but oh well.

Special thanks to The Laddermen PCs, Solace and the docks gangsters. Obviously the rest of the sons too.

Heres some screenies of epic shit like Alyssara DM Quests, Beating up the pallids while a bunch of bystanders  look on, mass brawls in the docks and other stuff like that.



Too good! And you totally have a shot of Stigandr! <3


Despite his pink dolphin, or maybe even because of it, Feredir was always a very frightful presence. And the way you would stare Drayden down; brrr, shivers. Thanks for all the good times, Eq.



Listen in Silence


Lol at the Picture of Cales XD Also great PC enjoyed the RP


Good char! And Anotropos looks beast in that screen shot xD