Spell Identify

Started by chrijone, September 05, 2010, 08:51:32 PM

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Can this spell be changed back to what it was like before please? As it is it only works for items and such that are unidentified. I thought it was so much more awesome like it was before, it made scholars so much more fun to play with. Thanks :)


Identify that's used to identify items? GENIUS.

Not that my opinion matters, but I'm a PnP guy. I'd rather have the spell at least partially resemble its original purpose rather than be used as another buff for Lore Whoring (Which uh... I'm sure the DMs scale the DCs when you go buff lore whoring anyway, so it doesn't matter?).

As for the argument of "it made scholars so much more fun to play"... huh? I suppose if hitting obscene numbers is fun for measuring your lorE-peen... but to be honest, assuming that you like scholars to have their own niche, which makes them fun, then the removal of being able to glug glug or wiggle wiggle identify your way to grand scales of knowledge makes scholarly-FOCUSED characters all the more valuable.

And... yeah, I'd stick with how it is now. Have fun.

Sidenote: 10 points for the one who made identify for identifying things. Earn 3000 points and you can redeem some grapes off the vineyard.


Still makes me wonder if those dc 50 checks when trying to translate books was made before the lore change...


Quote from: kanrath;197830Still makes me wonder if those dc 50 checks when trying to translate books was made before the lore change...

I remember one of the DMs saying that lore checks would be adjusted with  the change to lore. Perhaps it may be a good idea to start a list of  lore checks in the module that seem unusually high considering the  change to the spell.

Buns in the Oven




Maybe change this suggestion to increase the dropped "Legend Lore" potions. I don't believe I've ever seen one.


There aren't any. There are scrolls that tend to drop on one quest.


It's good as it is now, because:

Either lore checks in game (including crafting DCs) are scaled around the Identify spell, making it necessary even for Lore-focused characters if they want to succeed at their job (which is lame), or the lore checks aren't scaled to consider Identify, which means anyone can replace a huge skill investment with a single potion.


SawyerTheCleaner is correct.