Holy Canticle of the Rightneous

Started by kanrath, September 03, 2010, 01:41:00 PM

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A few changes to the Holy Canticle of the Righteous perk could help make it so its a bit more in line with the evil only version and perhaps more people may take it.

For one instead of adding divine damage make it positive instead as the evil one does negative, this way things of pure evil such as vampires are better effected by it.

Second, this perk while it says adds a steep spike in attack and such, actually only adds +1 attack vs evil and +1 divine damage vs evil, which from what I've seen does not stack with some buffs though it may add more at higher bard lvls.

third, would it be ok to make the healing effect undead as well?

This is just a suggestion


I could see it being;
+1 AB / 3 levels,
+1 positive nrg dmg / 3 levels,
+d8 damage vs undead.

Divine Intervention

Perhaps you are not high enough level for bonus effects?  I like the thought it may be improved but it is called -holy- canticle of the righteous, why would positive make more sense than divine?


It does need a boost. A pretty sizable one, in my opinion.  To only effect Evil Aligned creatures, it should do a tad more. :P


You're forgetting the dodge bonus against evil. The unstoppable damage that it offers. And the mass heal effect which saves your party an incredible amount of healing.

It isn't underpowered at all. Just more subtle.


It only does 6 healing, and adds 1 ac vs evil. Is the Dirge of the Tormented  damage bonus good only?


It upgrades as you level up.

As to the Dirge, it also upgrades as you level up, like the normal bard song. And yes, it afflicts all alignments.


Quote from: kanrath;197545It only does 6 healing, and adds 1 ac vs evil. Is the Dirge of the Tormented  damage bonus good only?

That said, at level 8, +2 to all evil, +2 dmg, +2 ac, +12 hp restored every time its used. You're virtually capable of healing an entire party more effectively than a healing circle spell. <.<

Drakill Tannan

Maybe just making it scale acordingly? +2 hit points healed per level. at level 2 +1 attack, 4 +1 damage 6 +2 damage 8 +2 attack, etc?


I think this song is pretty good, particularly at the higher levels. I tweaked slightly but don't think major changes need be made.