NEW/Replace DMs

Started by putrid_plum, July 17, 2010, 04:51:15 PM

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Quote from: prestonhunt;192083Well, its been pointed out before.  When a DM is on, the server population doubles.  When more than a couple are on, its even busier.  When strange sendings start being made by "Suspicious Man dressed in black" or whatever, it's even more still.
This is part of the problem. 9 times out of 10 the DM isn't even doing something for you. So those people logging on are doing it with the small hope that a DM -might- engage them. When they don't they're forced to *gasp* find their own roleplay.

If people just logged on and played then things could actually happen. Relying on the DMs to entertain you is really not the way anyone's ever had fun playing this game, because the DMs can't be around all the time to hold your hand.

The whole point is, the DMs are also entertained by the players, it's not a one-way street. So before DMs want to DM the players need to be rocking out without them. When they do that the DMs then want to DM for those players. If you're not logging on, roleplaying, and creating plots without the DMs then when the DMs are online I really hope people don't think they can log on and grab the plots then.

If you want EfUA to be a great place to play players should realize that it starts with them. If you can't hold up your own end, then you really can't expect someone else to do it for you.


The moments I remember best on EFU, this is before EFU:A, were DM created situations/quests/spice.  So I do not agree with you Cap at all there.  

Many people go off and find their own roleplay all the time but there is only so much you can do without a DM presence on the server.  There gets a point you need or having a DM around would be extremely helpful.

There are indeed tons of things you can do beside quest/pvp here, ScottyB.  Yet, as I said above, there still gets a point where you need a DM.

The point is, the current DM team is to bored with the server why not allow some new people to try their hand.  If there are people who don't find it a choire to DM let them try I say.  I'm almost posative there is a person or two who would like to run things to let others enjoy the glory that is EFU:A.


I want to say this for everybody,


When you are a DM, you see the mysterious stuff for players as a, "Oh look its that thing again". When your a player you have action and suspense.
<SkillFocuspwn> no property developers among men only brothers

Drakill Tannan

Quote from: Thomas_Not_very_wise;192084Maybe the DMs should just log on and idle...



It's pretty obvious that DM activity is lacking at the moment and we are well aware.  And we definitely do like DM activity and know that the server suffers without it.  It's a good server even without DM presence, many will agree, but it is one thousand times better with some persistent DM presence.  It goes without saying we're currently going over the options.


Quote from: Random_White_Guy;191946Just know that some folks make better PCs than DMs though! Just because someone is a good PC does not mean they will make a good DM. Takes a very special kind of person to handle the reigns, so to speak.

Two way street... Some people may make better DM's than they do players, only we'll never know because poor players wouldn't be given the chance...
I probably shouldn't say poor players, should probably say that those that don't fit into the L/E dictatorship that is the DM's world wouldn't be given the chance.


Yeah, I find that I enjoy building and DMing more than I enjoy playing.  It's part of the reason why I have been scarce in game recently.  As a player, I'm marginal at best.

Divine Intervention

Whilst lots of active DM's in game all the time would be awesome it's not actually necessary to make epic moments and have fun.  People seem to get into the mindset of as said before "No DM on, boring" which leads to others going "Not many players on, boring" and soon you end up with 5 people online all the time.  By simply going on and talking with people, questing, starting conflicts or exploring more people will likely log on.  Also if I were a DM and I saw 3 people online would I feel inclined to log on and run stuff? Not so likely.