Aldan Murier

Started by AKMatt, February 26, 2010, 04:54:05 AM

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Aldan Murier was a sorcerer from Chondath, whose powers manifested when he was very young, in the form of withering spells and conjurations that brought forth consuming masses of rot and decay.

After his traumatic childhood experience, he came to view the magic as a curse, this outlook further ingrained by his upbringing in Chondath, a nation hostile against all magic.  Had his village ever found him out for what he was, he would have likely been killed.  Fortunately for him, his family kept him hidden.

He suffered from strange nightmares.

Things changed a little once he arrived on Ymph.  He met other sorcerers, and for a time learned to embrace what he was.

Not all were receptive, though.  Zeulisad Canos had little appreciation for "bloodcrazed magical hacks."  Unfortunately for him, there were some rather talented sorcerers in the Conclave.  One of them beat Canos in a very close duel, resulting in an awkward position for both Aldan and Canos.  Canos was pretty much right, though, Aldan was pathetic.

Sometimes the rot powers still got out of Aldan's control.  The first time he went to demonstrate them for the Conclave, things didn't go well.

Aldan thought he owed it to himself to do whatever he could to ease his own burdens.  A few tried to convince him otherwise.

Even with his powers mostly under control, Aldan could get pretty defensive.

But it wasn't long before he learned how much worse things could be for him.  When he first encountered the creature known as Mactl'ysha, it scared him enough that he finally started working for the good of somebody other than himself.

He never really knew Pelandri, but seeing what she had become, he decided to attempt to free her from the horrors of what she had become, if only to prove to himself there was still hope for him.

His plan failed, and he ended up joining the Conclave and hanging out a bunch with an evil bastard named Xeral.  Almost everything Xeral did is spoilerish in some way, but they had a pretty cool dynamic with Aldan being some sort of "apprentice" (a.k.a. victim) and it ultimately led Aldan at last to a chance to be free of his curse, and leave this mortal world behind with no fear of the one to come after.

There's a huge list of people who play awesome characters and run awesome events that I could thank here for making Aldan fun to play, but I know there's so many and I'm so ADD that I'd forget one.


Looks like you had a fun time with a unique character, nicely done!


Nothing makes an evil bastard feel more like an evil bastard, than watching someone in turmoil with their own power, and fostering that power.

That scene where he summoned the Vine to attack the citizens was one of my favorite moments with Aldan.

QuoteXeral: "Pelting the bloodborn with -fruit- is a HORRIBLY bad idea, Sahiba. Caliphar, restrain yourself..."

Murier: "I am trying but their fruit angers me...Please. I do not want to do something I will regret"

Citizen: "Oh gods its a bloodborn!"

and then the entire crowd of NPCs moved away...

A great PC though, and honestly helped a ton with crafting all my shady visions of how Sorcerors could act in EFU. A unique take on a class that a lot of PC's don't bother playing and despite his many unfortunate deaths he had a lot of depth.
[11:23 PM] Howlando: Feel free LealWG
[11:23 PM] Howlando: I'll give you a high five + fist bump tip

[1:34 AM] BigOrcMan: RwG, a moment on the lips, forever on the hips







I will miss Aldan. :(

It was great fun playing with Aldan as Mactl'ysha because he was one of the few people who really had an understanding of what it was like having an undesirable Sorceress Bloodline.

It's a pity they couldn't have been closer, but at the same time it was great to see my character have such a dramatic impact on Aldan.  Ultimately, he ended up dying the hero, and achieving freedom from the rot in his blood!  An awesome ending!

His memory will live on! :p


Very cool.  I remember warning him there was a Nightriser in the ruins between the Docks and the Zig.  He proceeded to summon a dozen rot-plants and strolled through unmolested.  I was literally "lol".
"So what else is on your mind besides 100 proof women, 90 proof whisky, and 14 karat gold?"
"Amigo, you just wrote my epitaph."

"Maybe there's just one revolution.  The good guys against the bad guys.  The question is, who are the good guys?"

~The Professionals
