Nightriser event and other random Shots

Started by Dr Dragon, February 07, 2010, 10:09:23 AM

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Dr Dragon

Some shots I took for the event.

Everyone gathering around the portal which massacred tons of people like cows.

Monald friend plotted to steal loot and give me a cut Monald knew this was a bad idea so being a bastion of freedom told him to hand it all to the stygian of course he refused sadly I had no shot of him being beat down for not listening to Monald.

Talking shit to Xeral some more when he called his camp a place to protect free men.

Chilling in the Sons HQ someone had something to say about the Nightriser Invasion.

Caddies being an epic failure again.


Quote from: Dr Dragon;166190Caddies being an epic failure again.

Fool. You mean for the first time ever.



Caddies is in no way an epic failure. You sir, are the only failure. However, I -am- Looking mean in that screenie.

Cool shots doc.


I beat him as politely as possible.