Brew Potion - Aid

Started by VanillaPudding, January 22, 2010, 09:52:12 PM

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Gnome on the Strange

Quote from: Mort;163770Aid Potions have this little 'bonus' to them that makes MUCH more useful then you might think. The hitpoint boost stacks which mean that gulping 10 aid potion can double your health pool...

THis is why I love Vampiric Touch items too. All Temporary HP stacks, so feel free to kill a bunch of Deer ouside the quest ;).

Why should all potions be equally available? potions of a couple of L1 spells certainly aren't for example, with good reason. It would be good to see BS, rage, DF being more expensive or difficult to find. Defensively-capable potions let you defend against the impossible like a bunch of Magic Missile spams or huge numbers are imporant. A crate of AB boosting potions lets your Full BAB guy pull far away from the bard or cleric who has lower AB but whose benefit is he can temporarily up it.


Now everyone will want Aid´s

Listen in Silence


Laugh Track.

Seriously though, I suddenly find Aid and Vamp Touch awesome for their thematic qualities. Good guys get to power up with the Aid of their deity, bad guys get to suck the life force from innocent woodland creatures...