Make Inferno Powder into a throwable

Started by ScruffyMcSmirkalot, January 23, 2010, 05:50:30 AM

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Disclaimer: This topic is to debate about making Inferno Powder into a throwable, and NOTHING ELSE, for obvious spoiler reasons. Any other information about it shouldn't be discussed.
Quite, now, onto the main topic...
Considering what one must do to acquire it, along with its relatedness to similar items, I don't see many reasons why it shouldn't be a throwable. Factor in the idea that such would easily be able to be put into a breakable container, and the fact that we already have various custom scripted throwables, makes it look more promising.
In its current incarnation, it is useful, I agree.... but the many people who would likely acquire it originally would most likely prefer to deploy it from afar. Theoretically, this would be a tradeoff, as there would be a reflex save where there wasn't one originally. At the very least, to have the option to "bottle" it would be preferable, and then you could have both variants.


O shit. People are learning zeh system!

Anyway, I'm probably the only one in the DM team who knows what Inferno powder is <_<; .

Not sure about how rare it is, but a auto-touch long range thing like sounds like a pretty big deal!


Pft. I have been having plenty of fun with this stuff mort :-P

And I disagree whole heartedly that it should be throwable.

It`s already amazing enough as it is.


No no.... not an auto-touch long range. There could be a reflex save implemented before applying the effect, correct?
But either way, thanks for the reply!


I don't know what the hell INFERNO POWDER is, but I am all over that shit like a buzzard.

Drakill Tannan

Sounds badass. If i ever get some, i'll probably love to throw it to a random PC. Do it.


Meh, we have been using the stuff recreationally since the late sixties. It's old news.

Capricious do you know there's not a way to make it essentially a ranged weapon as it is?


Oh I don't "know", but judging from DM reactions, it seems my musings are pretty correct. I can sort of guess what the "next step up" would be, and it wouldn't be the same.
Anyhoo, I'm just all for adding a preliminary reflex save (Assuming such is easily possible before applying the "spell" with custom throwables) for the ranged variant.