Starting area Docks

Started by Dr Dragon, January 06, 2010, 06:00:24 AM

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Dr Dragon

I believe with all the drama going on I feel PCS should be able to start out in the docks district would give great addition/customomizable backgrounds.

Gnome on the Strange

Oh, like Inhabitant, not Shipwreck? Yeah, a Wastrel spawn would be cool. But then, you can always spawn at the wreck and RP it as just being ont he beach.

Dr Dragon

Oh thats allowed? I really didnt know then simply updating the portal description to say "Shiprwecked or docks resident" ETC and change the description when you examine.

Portal Rat

Does it make any OOC difference whatsoever how your character starts? I mean, is there some variable on each PC that flags their origins?

I've never had an NPC treat any of my PCs any differently if they started as a native. It seems like it ought to be fine to take GotS's suggestion.