Help the nature folk / gazers just a bit.

Started by Gwydion, January 03, 2010, 02:07:47 AM

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You've been told off for solelu hanging out at the Ziggurat when not questing, as a Stargazer.


One of the things I've thought about is the goblins not being the only ones that will take rat meat. Stargazers or wilderness PC could hunt the rats underneath the Ziggurat to feed or lure jungle cat away from the colony.

The idea is that a Stargazer PC or other wilderness PC grants the quest, asking for rat meat from the over populated sewers of the Ziggurat to lure jungle cats away from the colony. The same bartering script could be used, and only a NPC would need to be created.

Since there is a way to make it to the sewers from outside the colony walls, wilderness character have to walk thru the gates, and could haul rat meat out.

Whatever the story for the quest, it gives low level character a way to level and gain items needed to survive.

So yeah....


Hell more low-level quests would be helpful but there are still other issues.  My max hide sneak/ranger was ganked by an Orc disciple just a few feet from the Starwood rope on my way to gather some herbs for the elder which is the easiest newbie quest in Starwood.  That sure doesn’t happen on the way to do "bats".  No matter what low level quests were available to me, I couldn't even come out of the damn tree without getting killed again!  Not bitching (well a little) but that is just the way it is with the wilderness characters especially the "Gazers".   Some way to earn back the xp taken by the random death encounter would be appreciated.  Even with the random inevitable death (so it seems) the wilderness characters have been very rewarding to play. Playing a “gazer” reminds me of my first days on old EFU moving surreptitiously through the underdark scared shitlesss of the next nasty encounter.

Drakill Tannan

Guerrilla hunters are fine IMO, even if you get spoted they don't do too much damage and you can escape.

But i agree diciples are a bit too much for low level nature character areas.


*chimes in* including monster pcs in the "i can't low lvl quests in Zig" issue might be nice too.

The thing is it really depends if you've got a team with you, or if you start off more or less solo, planning to involve people when your pc's power picks up a bit.


Quote from: Letsplayforfun;159756*chimes in* including monster pcs in the "i can't low lvl quests in Zig" issue might be nice too.

The thing is it really depends if you've got a team with you, or if you start off more or less solo, planning to involve people when your pc's power picks up a bit.

Monster PCs can travel the Docks, FYI. Consider them very Loweresque in this manner. Of course, they will still be shown massive bias by NPCs.


Oh, great, i figured they couldn't. That's handy.


Geez, that's good news, i've been sticking to Gobsquat for 3 weeks...


We thought about giving a flat out XP salary to monster PCs for simply surviving in the past... Not sure if that is desired. (TRUE monster PCs).


If you mean pc's who are actively hunted, have none or maybe one friend. i would condone that for sure.

Portal Rat

I've seen other servers where they have a 25xp / hour award for sitting in taverns or other areas intended for role-play, and it is not as prone to abuse as you would initially think.

There still needs to be a scripted way for PCs to declare that they are AFK, so that they can actually go to the bathroom without logging out. Hell, that would be a nice feature to have in general.


Monsters, as in those who don't hang out with goodly folks for quest xp and vice vesa.  Monsters are savage beasts and should not be liked by nearly anyone even evil bastard PCs.

No, I think adding xp per time in certain areas would be just bad.  Yet, I do think for a MONSTER PC who is true to it, xp per day/week whatever would be cool so they don't have to quest and can do monsterous things like prebuff gank.


I think that any sort of XP benefit for simply existing in any form, including monster PCs, is counterproductive to the ideal of the sort of things that generic monster PCs should endure to progress.