Need a character?

Started by Thomas_Not_very_wise, November 02, 2009, 10:24:36 PM

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Send me a PM, I am concocting something evil.


Go to #Orcs if you're interested in an evil monstrous PC. We're going to do awesome.

Drakill Tannan

Ohh, would love to. Can you PM thought? I have no idea how to use IRC.


ooooh.. sounds cool.
Same with IRC as above.  
Would love to hear more


If you want an easy way to join IRC go here.

Once there click on "Chat Now" on the main page.

Nickname put anything in.

Channel put #orcs in.

Then press Login.


Join the Orcs. For this is YMPH, Home of the Wild Orc.

~Benefits to joining:

Constant DM attention in one way or another (They spawn shit on us all the time. :( )

Group of excellent RPers

Excellent plot goals.

You are virtually a PC who might die to a jungle cat.

~ Cons

Everyone wants to kill you

You cannot go to the ziggurat or gobsquat

Even other ORC npcs want you dead.

Everyone wants to kill you.

Come on and join!



<@Talir> Oh and if people were wondering, it's unlikely we'll accept more wild orc applications sent in after today, as there's a lot of them right now.

So, right!

Half orcs, make them now.