Camille Dulandorre - Weapon Master Level-Up Bugs.

Started by Iron Oligarch, November 20, 2009, 06:25:08 AM

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Iron Oligarch

Upon taking Camille's first level as weapon master, I noticed a few interesting errors.

First, while the changes to the weapon master on EfU indicate that the weapon master should receive the feats Fast Movement, Improved Initiative and Improved Parry at first level, Camille did not.

Furthermore, while Taunt was listed as a class skill according to the weapon master's level-up skill list, if I tried to take more than five ranks (that is, if I take more ranks than Camille could ordinarily have with Taunt as a cross-class skill) in the skill, I was unable to level up and the following error given:

Quote[Server] Character has invalid skill ranks.

Thank you in advance for your time in dealing with this matter.


As far as I heard from another a good while ago, weapon master class is not really functioning at all and was basicly stripped because of it, from all the feats and such. Atleast this previous person said it was just a status and the levels gave pretty much nothing at that time.


Weapon master was working fine in the past I beleive as there has been quite a few without these bugs. I have had issues in single player now and then where taking the class had some bugs and I was forced to re-level the character.

You selected the Weapon Master that's furthest down on the list and not the base weapon master, correct?


Find me in game some time and I'll see what I can do to fix this.


There shouldn't be multiple Weapon Master classes available; Weapon Master feats are hard-coded to work only with whatever class index Weapon Master is.

NWN did not like the original Weapon Master class being modified, either. It (usually) works in single-player, leading to much confusion about what was working and what wasn't.


At the bottom of the class list there is Weapon master, gray guard, archeologist, and one other. I was under the impression that taking the 'defealt' weapon master on the list will never give you the benefits scripted into EFU, selecting the second will.

I know I've seen it working in efua (blinding speed was working on the said example) but perhaps it's broken since that time for some reason. When these PRCs were originally claimed to be broken, Palemaster and Weaponmaster were amongst the two that still worked. Now it's said that weapon master is broken but, from what I know, there are still working palemasters in game which are also modified.

Iron Oligarch

There were indeed two separate "weapon masters" that I could take upon level-up. When the DMs unlocked weapon master for me, I could only take the first (vanilla NWN) weapon master, not the second (EfU:A) one. When I brought this up to them, it didn't seem that they could unlock the second weapon master for me -- could this be part of the issue?



I think that if you can get the 'second' weapon master unlocked for him then he'll get the feats he needs. In my own tests however there was an issue (seemingly random) that sometimes didn't allow the weapon master to ever select a weapon of choice. The feat field would say 2 remaining, you could select one feat (for 6th level) and then no options remained and you just went on. This made the ki-weapon ability useless and also nullified the 10th level AB bonus from superior weapon focus.

The only fix I found was to remake the character and I never noticed any reason for it.