Alchemy Hints

Started by Jasede, January 26, 2013, 04:57:14 PM

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How do I use the Alchemy Hint system?

I used the Player Tool on myself and there's a menu. I tried every single option but none of them let me do research, not even the research menu. It just shows me how many research credits I have- but it doesn't let me spend them anywhere.

Am I missing something? I really could use the hints system! I keep throwing, 20, 30 ingredients into a single mix each time I try making something and they all just always go away.


Used to have to use research points that accumulated over time if I recall. And you could only do research once a reset.  Not sure if it is still like that. Was all done from the Alchemy player tool, the way you did it.  I am pretty sure you need a certain alchemy or herbalism score? to use the research as well?  Been quite a while since I dabbled.


I've got the research points & I have 19 alchemy skill. I just can't find the option to turn my points into hints anywhere.

Maybe the option was retired? Or maybe I have to wait for 1 reset for it to show up? It's a new character and there hasn't been a reset.


You can't do it until there has been a reset.



There's always the possibility of finding IG help aswell. Ask around, there's a few/some alchemists out there.