Roman Leonsbane, Priest of Malar!!

Started by Equinox, October 09, 2009, 04:10:00 PM

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Priest of Malar
Guardian of the Circle
Patrician of the Colony
General Badass.

Some of the titles i earnt on this pc.

He was without a doubt the best pc I have ever played, in terms of fun and what I acomplished.

Originally made as a solo concept. I ended up converting 5 people to the church of Malar. Forming a recognised banner, creating alliances with the druids, the armsmen, the other churches of the fury.

Roman was a CN priest, I got a lot of stick for it on IRC ;)
His aims were to create a widespread respect and fear of Malar, he encouraged hunters to pay tribute to him, and much more.

His one main goal. To become a werewolf, I began the process as the screenshots will show, but never got to complete it. He wanted to force people who didnt listen to pay tithe and tribute for their hunts, by attacking them and giving them something real to fear in the wilds.

I hope everyone I played with enjoyed rping with Roman, it was agreat experience as I havent played a pc who was mainly built for rp and not being a pvp god.

Special thanks to certain people though:

CrazyNut, for being the most awesome DM and helping me with a ton of stuff, also for bullying me IG constantly spawning RAZORBOARS and shit to attack me for fun.  

Egon, for playing the best convert in my faction, being a total nutball and creating fun rp.

The stewards and guardians, espiecially Thomas on Yamol.

All the other Malarites who helped Roman in many ways.

And anyone else who was awesome and I spent a ton of time rping with.

Anyways, Screenie Album on the link below:

Oh and LIS, for making me a mute, slightly retarded chultan, who did nothign important and then ditched me for his banite ^_-

Listen in Silence

... What the...?!

Okay that's it, I'm never crediting you again.


I enjoyed Roman, he was a great PC. I look forward to your next one.


Altered to thank lis.

Listen in Silence

I retract my hatish comment.



Awesome character man. Someone I really loved to have Brock hate. ;D
Looking forward to your next.

Egon the Monkey

Good times, and always fun to be around. An old man with 10 Con who used to buff up and one hit impale bosses never ceased to amuse. As did playing the enthusiastic yes-man to a fanatical hunter.
Guess I'll have to direct my Malarite to something else now :(.