Building A Effective Milita Force

Started by General-shadow, September 22, 2009, 12:07:56 AM

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Building A Effective Milita Force
I see many armed forces in this new home of mine poorly planed and poorly lead by people, so am writting thes books to pass my Knowlage of all things Miliatary on to others so they can go there very much doing it wrong, now on with it.
Start Of Milita
Militas are one of the basic defence forces out there dateing back to the start of any civilization in our world made simple to defende there own homes or towns made mainly up of the resedents in the area who have the time to help out the mian back bone of the milita forces are basic weaponry and men rangeing from archers to footmen armed with what they can make or get there hands on and given some form of traning on basic sword play and bow skills given to them thes men are usaly offered by the local town leader a place to sleep and a good meal and ale at the end of the days work this usaly brings in some good numbers of people but you need to get sorting them a milita only holds out as long as the leader holds out you must remmber that thes men are not trianed in military form they lose there leader thes men will break never forget that!
Sorting your Milita Force
The Capt of your Milita force should be a skilled fighter with a quick mind and strong will to keep things in cheack let him pick his own seconds now once you have a Capt and some group leader the next set is there place of secerity this usaly doubles as barracks and jail house and command center for any defence actions taken by the milita it should have good space clear outer area and can be held by a small number of men and be stocked with all there supplies have the milita also act as there own support staff this usally keep them in top line and teaches them new skills in life, once done your milita force has started it has a HQ and a secure jail area and supplie pen there ready to defend your town!.
When Your Milita Take Action
When the times comes for your milita to take action the must be doing it by the local town rules! it would not be good for them to be sum crazed mob of men or seen as the bully boys of the local tyrant never do you and your milita rally on the towns friendship as a large part of your defence and action take the following examples.
Example 1:A well liked resadent of the town has been charged of theift the milita job is to bring this resadent in to face his charges and defende him self, THERE NOT! to barge in sword dagger first and take by force and not explian to the locals why there well loved story taleing bard is being beated senseless and draged to the town hall, They are ment to go to his house and explian the charges aginst him and take him in only if he shows he will resist arrest is he to be not beaten senseless but subdued and taken in also if any local protests or ask why Do Not! have your men tell them they can not know a milita is a public service not a state police group or an Military group there local towns people as well and should be seen like that so.
Example 2:When riaders come up wether it be goblins or a orc warband you must use your milita to sort out the towns defences and people useing the towns skilled to help in the defence and others doing what they can from ammunition collection to makeing spears and arming all of age YOUR MILITA is not a special unit of armed men that can do everything they are part time they are just locals playing bodyguard there moral is low there skills are low and your numbers are low! you shouldent split town and milita groups part the mian towns defence comes from its locals and there knowlage and skills to support the defence also have them working with each other never trian your men to think there better than thos that they defend.
Last few Tips
1.also get what gear you can for your men and have them miantian it and work for better stuff
2.offer any members small perks like keeping loot on defence actions or free meals and beds
3.Alwas keep an eye on your mens moral there just locals not soldiers if they have a capt and 2-3 Lt to follow they will hold up pretty well
4.Alwas make sure each member is armed and tranied with basic bow and sword skils
5.make a few action plans for lone or lost milita men to do like if they see enemys comeing make sure they know what to do simple plans for warnings to get across usally bolds well.
Former Capt in his Lords service