The Sewing Lady's Cloth Quest

Started by Meldread, September 15, 2008, 10:48:34 AM

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Alright, I found this new delivery quest.  To make a long story short it needs a good looking over.  It has several typo's and bugs.  I think it may have more bugs than I'm listing here.  However, here is what I found.

I first uncovered this quest with my character who was too high level to do it.  Yet, I was still able to take it.  I clicked on it again, saw the "You see a rat..." thing...  I was expecting a rat to spawn, but it didn't.  I also got the message that I wasn't part of the quest, and thus wasn't getting any XP.

I went to the Sewing Lady and couldn't complete it.

So, I went and created a new character to test it out.  Did the same thing, no rat spawn.

However, I got the same message about not being a part of the quest.  I was, however, able to complete it.  I didn't get XP but got 15GP.

There might be some other problems.  Like, I do not think I ever got the cloth in my inventory.  The whole thing was very confusing.  I was not sure if I was supposed to carry something back to her or if I was supposed to tell her I found some old cloth.

I think it would be easier if the quest actually started with the Sewing Lady, rather than simply finding the cloth first and then going to tell her.  (Same with the other quest givers in the Camp, actually.)


These particular forms of quests are using a (previously largely unused) system that is hyper-efficient in terms of avoiding bloat (complicated, but every conversation file takes up space, which we want to avoid, and these UDC delivery quests allow us to avoid that).

They can be a little tricky to set up sometimes though.

Has anyone had any recent problems with the other kinds? I rushed this one so it's entirely possible I just messed it up.


me too, exactly.
today, 20:30 GM+2, summer time

quest for hunched lady was identical, but in this time is repaired (take a xp).


Made a few adjustments to the dialogue, but don't see why the quest itself wasn't working. Please test and let me know the status.


Test maked, today 21:30 (GMT+2).
Both quest work correct.



Not sure if this is the same quest as "Salvaged Cloth", but didn't want to post a seperate thread if it were.

Earlier today, I was 4th level, and walked into a dark room with rugs.  I clicked on the rugs, and it said something about not being part of a quest, and indicated it was a quest for 3rd level and lower.

Later, when I lost a level and was now 3rd level, I returned and clicked on the rugs, and it said "You have already completed this quest," even though I never did it.  Yet there was an entry in my journal for "Salvaged Cloth," which is a quest I never did.