Toolset Issues

Started by Secutor, September 07, 2009, 06:36:40 PM

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Hey guys.
I'm trying to do toolset work on the computer I'm using now, but I experience "abnormal program termination"s often enough to make it frustrating. These abortions usually occur when I'm working with creature inventories.
This laptop runs XP and an intel graphics card which I assume is just part of the mother board.
Any thoughts? Google isn't turning up many useful options (most of these issues are on people's vistas).


I had something similar, and it passed when i updated the videocard's driver. Dunno if that'll help.


I experienced something similar a while back. IIRC it's something to do with saving blueprints, for whatever reason.  I think it may be tied to microsoft's DEP (Data Execution Prevention) but I'm not sure.

Try going to Control panel -> System -> Advanced -> Performance -> Data Execution Prevention, and turning it to "Turn on for windows services and such only".

If that doesn't work, try moving the location of your NWN install from C:/Program Files~/  To your "My Documents" Folder.

Assuming that doesn't work, and it happens when you're equipping something to a creature or some such, it might be a problem with the renderer.   In your toolset options turn all of the graphics settings to the lowest possible settings, and turn off anything that seems reasonably optional (The Toolset doesn't really need to look fancy anyways, and it will increase its speed a bit, which is always nice!)

Hopefully one of these will get you sorted.