/c checkally

Started by hbns, August 09, 2009, 04:17:16 AM

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A command to print the list of your current allies to the status bar.

This will help when in a (large) group and you don't know who has been added and who hasn't.


Have you tried "/c setally" without any name?  I recall Mort mentioning this functionality is already there.


Just type /c hostile all

if they go hostile that means they're not set as an ally. Keep in mind setally is best used for people you won't be pvping. It has no effect on "parties" for quests and once you set somebody as ally it persists through reset there after.


Quote from: "Strife"Have you tried "/c setally" without any name?  I recall Mort mentioning this functionality is already there.

I tried this and it did not work (Unrecognized Command)

I am not sure, but it could be a personal bug.  So far I have been unable to add / remove individual allies (it always gives Target Not Found), and once it set a nearby hostile PC as an ally when I used the Nearby command.  Probably these are all separate issues.

Quote from: "The ImpossibleDream"Keep in mind setally is best used for people you won't be pvping. It has no effect on "parties" for quests and once you set somebody as ally it persists through reset there after.

I actually didn't realize that.  My problem was related to setting nearby people as allies when walking around potential PVP areas, so that if we are ambushed and we need to start hostiling people, they are already included.  I guess if I do like you say and hostile in advance it is covered, but that seems a little more complicated than necessary.


It's "/c setally firstname" when they are close. It does not seem to work when both names are used.


Thanks Naga, that's what I've been trying and it doesn't work.  :S

Am I the only one having this problem?