Detect evil

Started by sobe-real, July 24, 2009, 04:10:39 PM

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have you thought about sobe perhaps one of your good friends that may seem evil on DE but are acting good, might be changing their ways? perhaps you should ask a bit IC you might be suprised with what some come up with

Drakill Tannan

I don't think so. If a person is doing good things, his/her alignemt should be good or at least neutral, not evil. if it is evil, becoming goodthen the alignment should be slowly shifting. If it is not, it means it is just waiting for the chance to kill the man, get his gold, steal the maiden, and get away with it.

Since i don't think you can see the exact alignment points with detect evil (have never used it) I'd say, it is acceptable to help an evil character to become good, but if it shows no progress soon enough then act as a judge.


FYI, this gets locked the moment it turns into an alignment discussion.


After playing around with how a Paladin should respond to Detect Evil on the EfU setting, all I can say is, its not easy.

There are quite a few characters in alignment who detect as evil but otherwise don't act like that.  However, just as many are in fact, deceitful, and are using deception to win others over.  Confronting these characters will almost always backfire on the Paladin unless you have actual proof of wrong-doing.

How do you react?

There's no easy answer, and it varies by the character.  I've found the best policy is to give some polite and vague, but not deceitful excuse to why you cannot be around them.  Unless you have any evidence of wrong-doing, at the very least by the standards of your religion, if not within terms of the actual law. I don't see many Paladins as being able to make a credible confrontation in public.  Offer to speak with them in private perhaps, and give a slightly more in depth explanation.

Courtesy is a big part of a Paladin's life, and remaining polite even to those who are obviously evil, but have done no visible wrong and broken no laws, will go a long way.  However, not all Paladin concepts will be able to remain polite in the face of certain people.  If you have to be rude on occasion to get your point across, then by all means!

However, should a Paladin trust that anyone is truly making an effort for change and redemption until their Detect stops giving the impression of evil?  Not a chance.  Detect Evil is a big flashing insight from your deity that aiding, or associating with these people beyond conversation can possibly break your code.

Even when they stop detecting as evil, most Paladins would likely still be suspicious, without definitive proof, that the person may be blocking their divine insight.


DesertDancing and Drakil :

I was thinking of similar things and this was a reason i posted this. The thing is, unfortunately, we don't have a DM to watch over us consistently like in a traditional campaign, so alot of their good deeds, and thus a shift in alignment, could be going under the radar. I'd suggest for anyone that is really wanting to find redemption and turn good to maybe have a chat with a DM about it, i'm sure they could help out.


I played a character who "redeemed" himself. Mostly I didn't feel like pursuing his evil agenda anymore. After months of acting consciously not-evil, he died for what he thought was the liberation of the House of Light. A DM asked me why an evil wizard would do something like that, and it turned out that the DMs thought I was just deceiving the paladins all this time. Upon raise he was LN. ;)

So people seeking alignment changes have to indicate to DMs that this is their goal. There are two private forums that players can use to inform the DM team of this. It won't always be easy, but it can happen.

As for paladins, they were suspicious that for a while I was the only one who survived that night (others resurfaced eventually). Did he sacrifice them all for an Alignment Concealer!? is what must have been going through their minds.

All of it was fun RP.

Drakill Tannan

Well... if my good character began doing evil things, i think it would be just as easy to ask a DM to shift the alignment whenever you think you shouldn't be good anymore.


I do not believe that Paladins should be polite to their enemies at all, especially those who are of the evil alignment, you can of course play one that way though. They should and must however refrain from insulting them, spreading false rumors about them and so on.


think of it like american presidents. they must always maintain their code of honesty or politeness as given by their oath, or become a fallen paladin (impeached) and someone else will take office (like abraham lincoln or john f kenedy

Luke Danger

I played a Paladin who was well aware of alignment concealment potential, and knew such. For example, Dr. D once tried to worm his way onto a DM quest for New Dunwarren way back when, and his char (after my Pally had seen him and DE'd him merely moments before) said she had "redeemed" herself, my Pally knew that while his (consideribly) weaker DE might be fooled by Alignment Concealment, the wards of New Dunwarren wouldn't be, thus took her their, maintaining courtesy of course, then, when the wards dispelled the Doc's anti-DE, my Pally gave him a scathing look and told her to stop playing around with alignment concealment, as well as get the heck out.

So if you suspect *X* used as an alignment concealer, find a way to inconspicously get rid of it. The New Dunwarren wards did that fine, though I suspect that the Doctor beleived *X* would make him immune to the wards. . .

So yeah, DE can be beat, but a clever Paladin can find those hiding behind *X*. All it takes is paying attention, or, more likely, having a dispelled situation.


just eat their heads or some shit holy shit paladins are powerful



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