Toughen Trogs

Started by Thomas_Not_very_wise, September 16, 2008, 02:16:18 AM

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Egon the Monkey

You know, you don't *have* to take 8, nor can you always get 8.If you need the XP or are low level/unsupplied, take 8. If you want the spoils and can deal with the challenge, take 3.

 Besides, that sorts itself out with people getting smaller shares of any spoils. I wouldn't like to see everything toughened to "3-8 really means 8 or bust", I'd rather do quests with groups I like and IC associate with than have to feel everything needs to be outnumbered, optimised and powerbuilt.

Any time you've got a trusted team with a good plan and you coordinate spells, things are going to be easier. However, the challenge in trogs is dealing with how they respond, which is as Daz said, great. They have backup weapons, consumables and a balaced mix of goons.


Just about right. Tried it today, decent group and we had one death and even on consumables.



To be honest I like the quest a little more everytime I go on it... I'm not sure why.


Because fishers are like fine wine.

The Crimson Magician

This quest (Out of the low few I have done) has provided me with a fine experience, not too easy, and fairly difficult. I admit that, a few times, it is just blown through, though. I'd have to say kudos to the DM team for this awesome quest.


The very first quest I got dragged into I think, also the one I have done the most often, so I started to wonder why that is so, and I was always wthinking this would be one of the quests that would actually get some more tweaking. Even my totally non-optimised character did very decently at level 2, while the experience she got was rather out of this world.
But I haven't done it in a while so I can't say now.


It doesn't give very much XP for higher level characters, and the challenge is actually pretty decent with a party of 3.  It should probably scale a little more for larger groups.  Maybe once you get past 5 people it should add in another couple fishers, at least one near the entrance instead of hoarding them all until the very end.